Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Fibox : Shoutbox Yang Cool Untuk Blogger

Fibox adalah satu lagi nama baru untuk shoutbox yang memasuki ruang maya ini. Rentetan daripada shoutmix yang akan menamatkan perkhidmatan percumanya, admin dapati Fibox menawarkan shotbox yang bagi admin memang cool, (walaupun bagi admin baru sekali pandang:)

Fibox kini dalam fasa beta dimana lebih banyak penambahbaikan yang akan dilakukan oleh pihak yang terbabit. Lihat pada paparan yang mesra pengguna dan penggunaannya yang mudah, admin tidak ambil masa yang lama untuk terus daftar. Anda boleh melihat contoh shotbox Fibox ini yang admin letakkan di blog ohbest.

Sambil-sambil daftar, admin ambil kesempatan untuk letakkan sekali tutorial untuk daftar Fibox seperti di bawah.

1. Buka www.fibox.ws, kemudian klik pada Sign Up

2. Masukkan email address dan password. Tick pada term of service kemudian klik continue

3. Notification mengatakan activation email dihantar kepada emial yang anda daftar.

4. Buka email dan klik pada link yang diberi.

5. Pengesahan bahawa akaun anda telah diaktifkan.

6. Login akaun anda, dan untuk kali pertama anda login anda akan diminta untuk create nama untuk shoutbox anda.

7. Daripada dashboard, anda boleh tetapkan setting yang anda kehendaki

8. Copy code yang diberi dan paste ke dalam ruangan HTML/javascript blog anda.
(tidak faham.?)

9. Save dan lihat hasilnya.:)

Selepas pendaftaran, anda juga boleh login menggunakan akaun facebook anda.

Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

The Year is drawing to a close.

As we close out the year, our record books, and send off all the data we are required to by various agencies and breed registries, I find myself looking forward with excitement. We have a new poultry producer coming on board with pastured birds so our quality can remain high and we can broaden our offerings. We renewed our grazing leases for another 5 years so we can keep our cattle herds separated and production at optimum levels. The seed is going in for the irrigated pastures, the mowing is all done down here in the valley, the water truck is fixed so we have no trouble filling cisterns up on the hill, and our sheep flocks are producing like gangbusters!
My young dogs are really starting to get the hang of things although there are definitely cow dogs and sheep dogs in the group! Monk could care less about sheep but works the yearling steers along side his dad like a pro! (okay he cheap shots once in a while but he's just a year old!) Cricket is more settled on cows and Bella has perfect balance. As far as the sheep work goes, Tweed is 11 now and slowing down but Grace and her two pups are picking up the slack. I have to admit, working T is like driving a cadillac and the young dogs are more like Ferrari's. I'd gotten really spoiled!  Fly is super quick and listens like her uncle T, where Sweep is a bit more single minded and needs to be reminded who's boss once in a while. Sooty still would rather be a couch potato but Smudge is coming on. He'll make a heck of a farm dog and does really well close in. I have to say, 1 good dog is worth 10 ranch hands most days! (except for the days I take a green colt out to work stock with young dogs, then I need to be an octopus!)
We've decided to double what we hold for grass fed and finished production so no one gets told no next year. Our steers are averaging about 700lb at weaning which is great!(that puts them around 1500+ at slaughter) People are really liking the Piedmontese crosses and we're going to breed more this next year. I love it when an experiment works! These cattle are larger than our Aberdeen Angus and Simangus and the unique muscling characteristics are really going to be a bonus. Like the Charolais they carry the gene for double muscling, but the Piedmontese only carries 1 gene and doesn't become tough like the Charolais when kept on grass that extra year. They still calve easily unlike the Belgian Blue and their conversion on grass is amazing! I like medium framed cattle as opposed to the little guys, they have to be able to travel across the pastures and climb hills. We tried some small breeds a few years ago and have kept the belties because they are a rare breed, but for us a 300lb yield isn't worth the effort that goes in to getting that steer ready to market.(it takes the same amount of time to finish a miniature as it does a full sized cow) I have a friend that raises miniature Herefords and she does a great business with those little guys but 900lb live weight vs 900lb hanging just doesn't add up for us. (she'll tell you the opposite form her point of view, "Meg, people like to get a whole cow for under a grand!" and I'm sure in her case she's right)
We're rolling right along with sheep production as well, the commercial flocks will continue to be Suffolk and Dorper cross, again because our customer base seems to really like 5" loin chops! Our Khatadin's are about half the size and I like them a lot due to their extremely mild flavor. The chop pops are amazing but I want more than 1 bite! Some folks like smaller portions and that's fine too. We've had a lot of fun this year with pigs too! Phil still is doing the Berkshires and Duroc pigs on pasture and we picked up some crosses for fun here at the farm. What great tractors! my garden plot never looked so good! In March the Mule Foot Hogs arrive and by next Christmas we'll be able to see what they taste like!
We're getting ready for the partial move up to the Hill Ranch where we have 10 times the space that we do here on the Home Farm so we will be able to showcase more of what we do. I can't wait! This place is fast becoming more of a learning center, Canning and production classes are filling fast and my travel schedule has expanded quite a bit for next year, I'm also firming up a book deal and our PBS special airs in the next couple of months. Multi Generational Farming and Ranching is the backbone on which this country was built and I am grateful to be able to carry on the tradition, while at same time bringing innovation and education into the lives of those interested in how we get your food "From Conception to Consumption"(tm)
Next time: An illustration of what builds great beef!

Akhirnya, Domain Co.Cc Sudah Terindeks Google Lagi!

Setelah beberapa lama menunggu masa akhir "hukuman" atas domain Co.Cc, kini sobat semua pengguna Co.Cc dapat bernafas lega karena Google telah melepas status banned pada Co.Cc.
Seperti yg kita ketahui, sekitar akhir Juni atau awal Juli 2011 lalu, domain co.cc serta semua web yg menginduk ke domain co.cc di-banned Google karena banyaknya kasus phising, malware, spam, dan scam yg dilakukan oleh web

Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

Shoutmix Akan Menamatkan Perkhidmatan Percuma | Alternatif Shoutbox Percuma Untuk Ganti Shoutmix

Bagi blogger yang sudah lama berkecimpung dalam arena blogging, shoutmix adalah salah satu shoutbox yang paling dikenali. Boleh dikatakan penggunaanya adalah meluas dengan fungsi yang boleh admin katakan mesra pengguna. Dan semua itu boleh didapati secara percuma.

Kini, setelah 7 tahun 'berbakti' dengan mempunyai akaun percuma,  shoutmix mengambil satu langkah drastik, iaitu akan menamatkan perkhidmatan percuma yang ditawarkan. Jadi selepas ini semua akaun shoutmix adalah berbayar.
Satu keputusan yang admin rasakan kurang bijak untuk memenangi hati pengguna maya.

Keputusan ini juga telah diwar-warkan di laman utama mereka.
Bermula 1 Januari 2012, kesemua akaun percuma akan tidak berfungsi kecuali upgrade kepada plan berbayar.

Berikut plan-plan yang ditawarkan untuk pengetahuan atau bagi sesiapa yang berminat. (walaupun admin rasa macam tidak mahu letak je.:)

Sanggupkah anda membayar untuk plan ini.? Kalau admin tidak perlu jawab pun tak pe rasanya.:)

Disebabkan shoutmix akan menghentikan perkhidmatan percumanya bermula 1 Januari 2012 nanti, disini admin letakkan senarai lain shoutbox yang anda boleh dapati secara percuma. Admin belum mencuba lagi mana-mana shoutbox ini buat masa sekarang. Bagi sesiapa yang pernah menggunakan mana-mana shoutbox di bawah, diharap boleh berkongsi pandangan.

1. http://oggix.com/
2. http://www.cbox.ws/
3. http://www.yellbox.com/
4. http://www.freeshoutbox.net/
5. http://www.myshoutbox.com/
6. http://free-shoutbox.net/
7. http://ishoutbox.com/
8. http://www.shoutjax.com/


p/s: Admin jangkakan pengguna shoutmix akan jatuh menjunam.
Reason: kenapa perlu bayar untuk widget yang boleh didapati secara percuma.:)

Sefikit info tambahan::)

more info:http://www.shoutmix.com/v3/

Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Objek Berpusing Keliling Mouse

Bagaimana anda gayakan mouse bagi pengunjung yang mengunjungi blog anda.? Adakah anda biarkan secara default atau lakukan pengubahsuaian.?
Sebelum ini terdapat beberapa tutorial seperti bubble, sparkle, atau following star.

Dan kali ini, satu lagi ubahsuai yang anda boleh lakukan, iaitu objek berpusing keliling mouse seperti gambar di bawah

Anda juga blog melihat contoh di blog demo ini

Tutorial di bawah.

1. Dari dashboard > design > add a gadget > HTML/javascript.

2. Copy dan paste kod di bawah ke dalam ruangan HTML/javascript yang anda buka.
(tidak faham.?)

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

var xCol = "#FF0000";
var yCol = "#FFFF00";
var zCol = "#0000FF";

var n = 6; //number of dots per trail.
var t = 40; //setTimeout speed.
var s = 0.2; //effect speed.

var r,h,w;
var d = document;
var my = 10;
var mx = 10;
var stp = 0;
var evn = 360/3;
var vx = new Array();
var vy = new Array();
var vz = new Array();
var dy = new Array();
var dx = new Array();

var pix = "px";

var strictmod = ((document.compatMode) &&
document.compatMode.indexOf("CSS") != -1);

var domWw = (typeof window.innerWidth == "number");
var domSy = (typeof window.pageYOffset == "number");
var idx = d.getElementsByTagName('div').length;

for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
var dims = (i+1)/2;
d.write('<div id="x'+(idx+i)+'" style="position:absolute;'
+'<div id="y'+(idx+i)+'" style="position:absolute;top:0px;'
+'<div id="z'+(idx+i)+'" style="position:absolute;top:0px;'

if (domWw) r = window;
if (d.documentElement &&
typeof d.documentElement.clientWidth == "number" &&
d.documentElement.clientWidth != 0)
r = d.documentElement;
if (d.body && typeof d.body.clientWidth == "number")
r = d.body;

function winsize()
var oh,sy,ow,sx,rh,rw;
if (domWw)
if (d.documentElement && d.defaultView &&
typeof d.defaultView.scrollMaxY == "number")
oh = d.documentElement.offsetHeight;
sy = d.defaultView.scrollMaxY;
ow = d.documentElement.offsetWidth;
sx = d.defaultView.scrollMaxX;
rh = oh-sy;
rw = ow-sx;
rh = r.innerHeight;
rw = r.innerWidth;
h = rh;
w = rw;
h = r.clientHeight;
w = r.clientWidth;

function scrl(yx)
var y,x;
if (domSy)
y = r.pageYOffset;
x = r.pageXOffset;
y = r.scrollTop;
x = r.scrollLeft;
return (yx == 0)?y:x;

function mouse(e)
var msy = (domSy)?window.pageYOffset:0;
if (!e) e = window.event;
if (typeof e.pageY == 'number')
my = e.pageY - msy + 16;
mx = e.pageX + 6;
my = e.clientY - msy + 16;
mx = e.clientX + 6;
if (my > h-65) my = h-65;
if (mx > w-50) mx = w-50;

function assgn()
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
dy[j] = my + 50 * Math.cos(stp+j*evn*Math.PI/180) *

Math.sin((stp+j*25)/2) + scrl(0) + pix;
dx[j] = mx + 50 * Math.sin(stp+j*evn*Math.PI/180) *

Math.sin((stp+j*25)/2) * Math.sin(stp/4) + pix;

for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (i < n-1)
vx[i].top = vx[i+1].top; vx[i].left = vx[i+1].left;
vy[i].top = vy[i+1].top; vy[i].left = vy[i+1].left;
vz[i].top = vz[i+1].top; vz[i].left = vz[i+1].left;
vx[i].top = dy[0]; vx[i].left = dx[0];
vy[i].top = dy[1]; vy[i].left = dx[1];
vz[i].top = dy[2]; vz[i].left = dx[2];

function init()
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
vx[i] = document.getElementById("x"+(idx+i)).style;
vy[i] = document.getElementById("y"+(idx+i)).style;
vz[i] = document.getElementById("z"+(idx+i)).style;

if (window.addEventListener)
if (window.attachEvent)

3. Save dan lihat hasilnya.


i) Bagi sesiapa yang tukar warna objek tersebut, boleh tukar pada kod ini.
(mencari kod warna.?)
var xCol = "#FF0000";
var yCol = "#FFFF00";
var zCol = "#0000FF";

ii) Kod ini memerlukan anda menggunakan layout template.

Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Cara Buat/Pasang Fitur Emoticon/Smiley di Comment Blogger

Emoticon/smiley dapat mewakili ekspresi komentator blog. Selain itu, emoticon/smiley dapat lebih mempercantik  tampilan bagian komentar blog. Dengan menggunakan javascript, kita dapat melakukan hack untuk menambahkan fitur emoticon pada blog berplatform Blogger. Emoticon ini menggunakan basis perintah emoticon  Yahoo! yg telah kondang itu. Misalnya, ketika ingin menampilkan gambar emoticon senyum

Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

Tips Mengatasi Redirect Ripway.Com Saat Login (Blogger, Facebook, dll)

Kasus redirect ke ripway.com tidak hanya dialami ketika pengunjung masuk suatu blog/web yg widget-nya telah terinfeksi script redirect saja. Pada level di atasnya, redirect terjadi karena computer telah disusupi trojan pembawa malware yg menginfeksi HOSTS & setting DNS komputer tersebut. Hasilnya, setiap user masuk/login ke suatu situs (blogger, facebook, dll) atau ingin mencari di search

Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

A time to Share and be Grateful

First let me thank all of our Farm Family and Friends for their support, guidance, and help this year. We truly would not be here without you! I have learned so much from new friends about Social Media and the importance of sharing our knowledge with others. I feel blessed when someone that we have helped along the way takes time to say thank you or calls us with questions.It means that we are doing things right. People really are interested in the day to day running of a cattle and sheep operation, you do want to know how and why we do what we do. The best answer that I can give is also the simplest, it boils down to one word....PASSION.
I am Passionate about my chosen lifestyle and want others to get a sense of what I feel every day. Getting up before the sun to drive out and check the cattle is every bit as important to me as telling you the facts about cattle production. Talking about sheep breeding and stock dogs is as vital as you knowing the difference between just grass fed and Grass fed and Finished. I want you to understand why there is no such thing as grass fed pork or poultry, and why corn and soy are not good feeds for rumenants. I get a thrill when ultrasounding cattle and sheep to preg check, and I want you to get at least a basic understanding of what it takes for us to get these animals to your plate. We copywrited and trademarked the term "From Conception to Consumption"(tm) for a reason. Because we raise them that way!
 I get a little crazy when I see blatantly impossible claims made about production and or breeding practices and need to learn to cool my jets rather than scream about how wrong they are. I would rather teach you, the consumer what is right than point out someone elses failings, it doesn't do me any good and those that think it's okay to invent titles aren't going to change because I call them out. I have to thank Jesse for smacking me up side the head on that one!
I want you to enjoy my posts even if you don't always agree and come away having learned something new or with a smile on your face. I love having visitors trail me for a day and get their hands dirty. I believe that the only stupid question is one that is never asked and that God put me here to make a difference. I love my life and wouldn't trade a day working livestock for all the riches of the world.
I want you to buy from us because you know what we do, and are comfortable with our practices. You don't have to come watch a slaughter, but I want you to know that you can and we schedule those days far enough in advance so that you are able to plan to attend if you wish. I want you to understand why it takes so long to get that beef ready for you to take home as steaks, roasts, etc. And I especially want you to understand the practices that make it happen. From the grass they eat, and the timing and method of slaughter, to the aging and cutting process, each step is vital to the quality of the finished product. I am so Grateful to be able to share this with all of you, Thank you!
Until next time....

Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Kasus Blogger di-Redirect ke Ripway.com & Solusi Mengatasinya

Sejak dua hari ini kasus url blogger diredirect ke Ripway.com semakin merebak. Dari pantauan saya sebagai kontributor di forum Blogger Help dan GTJ, ada banyak sekali laporan-laporan serta permasalahan blog yg diredirect ke ripway.com. Hmmm? Ada apa gerangan?
Karena banyaknya kasus tersebut serta karena akan sangat melelahkan jika harus menuliskan satu per satu solusinya pada masing-masing thread

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

Cara Menghubungkan (Auto Post) Google+ ke Twitter & Facebook

Setelah banyaknya penggunaan aplikasi update status otomatis dari Facebook ke Twitter maupun Tweet Twitter ke Facebook, banyak yg menanyakan tentang auto post dari & ke Google Plus (G+). Sayangnya, sampai saat artikel ini ditulis, Google belum share API Google+ sehingga para developer belum dapat mengembangkan aplikasi untuk menghubungkan atau melakukan autopost dari Google+ ke social media lain

Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

Transparency or Hype? There is a difference!

When we livestock breeders and producers talk about transparency we want you, the consumer, to know what it is we do, how we do it, and why. There are certain things that the law requires us to do, like annual bangs testing, certain vaccinations for breeding animals, keeping logs of any and all medications used etc. All of this information is kept on file for review at any time.
Livestock inspections take place whenever animals are sold or move into slaughter channels. The Brand Inspector comes out and logs which animals are going where and checks to make sure all the paperwork is in order. They don't come out for "Wellness Checks" unless there has been a problem in the herd or flock that requires monitoring for health reasons such as a Brucellosis positive test or Coccidiosis infection.. (and that is done by the State Vet.)
Most Livestock producers follow accepted protocols set down by the USDA, and BQA as well as PQA Certifications are becoming more and more prominent.(These programs do require on site voluntary inspection)

What we as Producers do by choice is provide our customers with an outline of how we manage our herds and flocks, our feeds and feed sources, and our pasture/ range management techniques. We take our customers out to see the animals that will eventually grace their plate, and explain why we follow a given feeding/ raising model. Not everyone does everything the same way. For example:
We raise Purebred Angus and Simangus crosses. In order to market that beef as Angus we have to follow specific guidelines set down by Angus Source verification protocols. The same holds true for Grass fed and Finished. There are guidelines that must be followed to legally make these claims. Grass fed doesn't always mean Grass Finished, But Grass Finished always means Grass Fed.
When it is time for our animals to go to slaughter there are two distinctly different ways this is done.
If that animal is to be Custom Killed for Farm Members, The Butcher comes to the ranch, dispatches the animal on site, and takes the carcass back to their abbatoir for Processing. The resulting cuts from any animal may not be sold at retail, This is called CUSTOM processing. The only exception to this rule is poultry.
If an animal is to be sold at retail, farmers markets, or on line, it must be USDA Inspected AND Processed. If it does not have a USDA inspection stamp on both the carcass and the final packaged product it is not legal for sale. There are also requirements for approved storage facilities prior to sale. These facilities must be licensed and regularly inspected by The Department of Environmental Health or the product is not legal for retail sale. Another myth that needs busting is the fact that USDA inspected means legal for sale. Not So! If your butcher has USDA inspected product he can sell it to you legally at retail, You cannot legally re-sell that product. Why not? Because it was not packaged for final sale under USDA inspection. Meats that are USDA inspected and processed here in California always arrive at their final point of sale vacuum sealed with a clearly legible label affixed to the shipping container or on each individual piece. If it is offered any other way other than at a butcher shop or store it was not Packaged under USDA inspection.
Now, lets move on to Quality and Niche claims.
Yup there are rules that govern that too. If you raise what are known as Heritage or Rare breeds of livestock you have to be able to back up those claims with verifiable paperwork. Just because a pig has Berkshire, Tamworth, or Old Spot markings, doesn't make it a Heritage Breed. You have to be able to prove that that pig is what you claim it to be. The same holds true for Beef cattle like Galloways, Parks, and Pinsgauer, and sheep like Tunis, Khatadin and St Croix. These animals must be verified as Heritage Breeds or they can't be sold as such, and cross breds can never carry the Heritage claim.The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy has the requirements clearly defined on their web page.
If you claim breed specific products the same holds true. For example: We offer Berkshire Pork, The label on that product shows the Berkshire Verification stamp in addition to the USDA stamp. Our other pastured pork is not always breed specific so does not have the Berkshire Label on it. Our Angus cattle sell under the Angus Source Verified label and it appears on the package. Cross bred beef does not have the Angus Source Verified seal.
Same thing for quality. Beef and lamb under USDA inspection can be graded for quality, this is voluntary and costs extra, but in order for us to say that our Grass Fed and Finished beef and lamb grades Choice or higher we have to be able to prove it. And the only way to legally make that claim is to pay for that added inspection.(and get that blue stamp on that carcass!) Grass fed and Finished Beef  and lamb will grade Choice or better under proper management and we are proud of the fact that we can make this claim.
I get upset when I see things like Gold label, Premium, or other baseless claims on products. I think it is false advertizing and gives a distorted image.  Look for local farmers and ranchers that can back up their claims with verifiable proof not hype and whitewash. If a marketing claim seems too good to be true, it usually is.
Until next time!

Introducing the Google Affiliate Network API

Today, we’re publicly launching the first version of the Google Affiliate Network API, which allows advanced publishers and advertisers to automate various tasks related to Google Affiliate Network.

The features in this release include:
  • Advertiser lookup: Publishers can now use the Google Affiliate Network API to more easily access data that advertisers have chosen to share with them (such as payout rank and advertiser category). Previously, publishers had to manually access this shared data through the Google Affiliate Network interface. Advertisers can also access their own information through the API.

  • Event and order details: Developers can easily integrate data from events that occur in Google Affiliate Network into their own website's workflow and internal systems. This API, in particular, allows access to all significant event-level data for transactions and actions.

  • Publisher lookup: Advertisers can use the API to look up data that publishers have chosen to share with them (such as payout rank and publisher classification). Previously, advertisers had to manually access this shared data through the Google Affiliate Network interface. Publishers can also access their own information through the API.
For more information, please refer to Google Affiliate Network’s API documentation page.

Posted by Ali Pasha, Product Manager

Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Iphone 4s coming to malaysia

First of all we didn’t make a mistake. Apple did originally planned to launch the iPhone 4S end November in Malaysia but it has now been postponed to December 16. Only Apple decides the Malaysia iPhone 4S launch date, so we can’t guarantee that they won’t change this date again.
Why the delay? we said that the current iPhone 4 stocks need to be cleared to make way for the iPhone 4S launch in Malaysia
iPhone 4 stocks update- We know Maxis is out of iPhone 4 stocks, Celcom still has some iPhone 4 32GB and DiGi still has some iPhone 4 units to be cleared.
Now you know why the iPhone 4S launch has been delayed in Malaysia? Thanks DiGi.
The Telcos are now finalising the iPhone 4S plans and due to competition it may change from time to time. So no point for us to leak the iPhone 4S plans from Celcom, Maxis & DiGi right now. In the mean time, we can’t confirm yet, but this is the iPhone 4S retail pricing in Malaysia:
  • iPhone 4S 16GB- RM2190
  • iPhone 4S 32GB- RM2590
  • iPhone 4S 64GB- RM2890/RM2990
So there you go, less than one month from now, we’ll get to know all the iPhone 4S plans from Celcom, Maxis and DiGi.

Senin, 12 Desember 2011

jailbreak IOS 5.0.1

iOS 5.0.1
Just a few days after iOS hacker pod2g announced that he’d performed an untethered jailbreak on a device running iOS 5.0, he’s managed to jailbreak an iPhone 4 running iOS 5.0.1.
That means that if you’re planning to jailbreak you iPhone or iPod touch once the tools are released, it’s safe to update to iOS 5.0.1 now.
There are a few caveats. If you plan to carrier unlock your phone, you’ll still want to backup your SHSH blobs first. The exploit pod2g is using has also only been tested on older iOS devices. It probably won’t work on an iPhone 4S or iPad 2.
Pod2g hasn’t announced when he’ll release the tools for jailbreaking iOS 5.0.1 to the public.
Right now the only way to jailbreak a device running iOS 5.0 or newer is to perform atethered jailbreak. That means that you need to connect your device to a computer with a USB cable and run some software on the PC to jailbreak the iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad. If you need to reboot your mobile device you’ll need to connect it to a computer and run the software again, otherwise most features will be inaccessible.
An untethered jailbreak removes this restriction. Once you jailbreak your device you can reboot it at any time without losing your jailbreak or the ability to use your mobile device — at least until you upgrade to iOS 5.0.2 or whatever the next version of Apple’s mobile operating system turns out to be.

Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

Cara Meningkatkan Traffic Blog & Mempertahankannya

Ada banyak artikel yg membahas tentang cara meningkatkan traffic blog / web. Masing-masing memiliki cara yg berbeda-beda mengingat pengalaman masing-masing Blogger/Webmaster juga tidak sama. Nah pada kesempatan ini Buka Rahasia Blogspot akan membagi sedikit insight & pengalaman mengenai usaha menaikkan traffic blog. Pada artikel terdahulu, saya pernah membahas tentang cara meningkatkan jumlah

Tutorial Letak Facebook Like Badge Masa Blog Dibuka

Facebook dan blogger adalah kombinasi yang agak bagus. Dengan adanya facebook page, blogger dapat berinteraksi dengan pengunjung. Salah satu penggunaan yang cool adalah dengan meletakkan facebook like badge semasa blog anda dibuka.

Secara tidak langsung dapat menggalakkan pengunjung blog anda untuk pada masa yang sama 'like' pada page anda.

Contoh seperti dibawah

Anda juga boleh melihat demo di test blog ini.

Tutorial letak facebook like badge semasa blog dibuka seperti dibawah.

1. Dari dashboard > design > edit HTML

2. Backup template blog sebagai langkah berjaga²

3. Dengan menggunakan fungsi find (ctrl + F), cari kod <body>
3.1 Jika anda tidak jumpa code <body>, cari kod ini
<body expr:class='&quot;loading&quot; + data:blog.mobileClass'>

4. Copy dan paste code di bawah selepas kod yang anda jumpa di langkah 3 atau 3.1
<!-- KakiNetwork.Com Likebox Pro FBFan Code Start -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
<link href='http://kakinetwork.com/sources/fbfans-pro/kakinetwork.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<script src='https://sites.google.com/site/unwanted86/javascript/jquery.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='https://sites.google.com/site/unwanted86/javascript/kakinetwork.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<script language='javascript'>
timeout: 15,
wait: 0,
url: 'http://www.facebook.com/OhBest',
closeable: true,
<div id='fbtpdiv'/>
<!-- KakiNetwork.Com Likebox Pro FBFan Code End -->


i) Gantikan 'OhBest' pada row KNFBFansPRO='OhBest' dengan nama yang anda mahu.
ii)Gantikan '15' pada row 'timeout: 15,' dengan masa paparan yang anda mahu semasa blog dibuka
iii) Gantikan dengan url page anda pada row url: 'http://www.facebook.com/OhBest',

5. Save dah lihat hasilnya.:)

Kredit: Terima kasih kepada kakinetwork.com untuk code yang sungguh cool ini.

Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

Cara Buat/Pasang Share Buttons di Posting Blogger (Like, Tweet, +1)

Share buttons adalah tombol-tombol yg dapat digunakan pengunjung untuk menilai & membagikan link atau konten tertentu yg mereka sukai ke social media, baik Facebook, Twitter, Google+, dll. Banyak sobat Buka Rahasia Blogspot yg menanyakan tentang share buttons yg saya gunakan di bawah judul posting. Saya menggunakan 3 buttons milik 3 social media yg disusun sedemikian rupa menjadi satu bagian

Rabu, 30 November 2011

Google Affiliate Network Exclusive Opportunities Are Back

Do you have a blog, website and an AdSense account? If you aren’t already a Google Affiliate Network publisher, now is a great time to join and monetize your website by giving your audience access to exclusive opportunities. Over 25 great deals will be available exclusively to Google Affiliate Network publishers for one weekend only, Friday, 12/9 through Monday, 12/12.

As a reminder, this limited time opportunity enables you to add a variety of great consumer opportunities to your site and earn a performance fee from orders that originate from your links.

How do I promote these opportunities on my site?
To promote any of these exclusive opportunities, you need to be an approved publisher in Google Affiliate Network.
  1. Apply for Google Affiliate Network with your AdSense Publisher ID (or sign in if you're already a Google Affiliate Network publisher).
  2. Once approved, review the opportunities available and click the "Apply Now" link for each one that you wish to promote.
  3. Tracking links will be available in your Google Affiliate Network account by viewing the Home tab on December 5th.  You can also search for “December Exclusive Opportunities” links in the Links section on December 9th.
Need help applying or want more information? Review the Publisher Beginner’s guide today.

When can I post these opportunities on my site?
All opportunities will be available on December 9, and all will expire at midnight on December 12. Please remember that you may not post any of these exclusives until December 9th.

Further questions? Check out our Help Center for answers to frequently asked questions or feel free to contact us with any questions.

Selasa, 29 November 2011

Tutorial Hilangkan Navbar Pada Blog

Navbar berperanan untuk memudahkan blogger kembali kepada link² tertentu. Walau bagaimanapun, beberapa pengubahsuaian yang dilakukan yang menyebabkan kehadiran navbar ini sedikit menyemakkan.:). Jadi tutorial kali ini akan menunjukkan cara untuk hilangkan navbar pada blog anda.

Antara pengubahsuaian yang menyebabkan navbar ini tidak diperlukan adalah tutorial letakkan button follow dan dashboard dalam blog.

Tutorial untuk hilangkan navbar adalah seperti berikut.
Terdapat 2 cara, anda boleh pilih mana yang bersesuaian dengan blog anda.


1. Dari dashboard > design > edit HTML

2. Dengan menggunakan fungsi Find ( ctrl + F), cari 'navbar'
(hasil cari biasanya samada navbar-iframe atau navbar sahaja)

3. Dari kod yang ada di bawah navbar,
Tukarkan 'display:block' kepada 'display:none'


4. Save dan lihat hasilnya.


Nota: Cara kedua digunakan jika anda tidak mempunyai 'navbar' dalam 'edit HTML' blog anda.

1. Dari dashboard > design > edit HTML

2. Dengan menggunakan fungsi find ( ctrl + F), cari kod body {

3. Copy dan paste code berikut SEBELUM code body {

#navbar-iframe {
display: none ;


4. Save dan lihat hasilnya.:)

Senin, 28 November 2011

Tutorial Letak Button Follow dan Dashboard Dalam Blog

Dalam template asal blogger, sudah diletakkan untuk widget follower dan juga dashboard. Walau bagaimanapun, anda boleh melakukan sedikit pengubahsuaian. Tutorial kali ini akan tunjukkan cara untuk letak button follow dan dashboard dalam blog seperti gambar di bawah.

Anda juga boleh tengok demo button follow dan dashboard ini di test blog ini.

Tutorial adalah seperti berikut.

1. Dari dashboard > design > add a gadget > HTML/javascript

2. Copy dan paste kod di bawah ke dalam ruangan HTML/javascript yang dibuka.
[tidak faham.?]

<div style="position: fixed; top: 5px; right: 90px;"><a class="linkopacity" href="http://www.blogger.com/follow-blog.g?blogID=ID BLOG ANDA" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title="Follow !" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-feYAFwQF-GM/TtOSBVXcMmI/AAAAAAAAHvk/GH1PZPVvU7c/follow.png" border="0" /></a><div style="display:scroll; position:fixed; top:5px; right:2px;"><a class="linkopacity" href="http://blogger.com/home" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title="Dashboard !" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-N61PPu_1haE/TtOSBZgZikI/AAAAAAAAHvc/vIEC_dYpIVo/dashboard.png" /></a></div>

Nota: Gantikan 'ID BLOG ANDA'

Bagaimana untuk cari ID Blog.?
> Anda klik pada 'new post' dari dashboard, dan akan ada paparan seperti gambar di bawah. Noombor yang admin highlight adalah contoh NO ID BLOG

3. Setelah anda selesai letakkan ID blog anda, save dan lihat hasilnya.:)

Bagi sesiapa yang mempunyai masalah kehadiran navbar dalam blog, anda boleh hilangkan navbar tersebut dengan mengikuti tutorial hilangkan navbar dalam blog.

Minggu, 27 November 2011

Maksimalkan Keyword di URL Posting Blogger/Blogspot

Keyword merupakan satu usaha optimasi SEO yg sangat penting karena bagi search engine keyword merupakan aspek yg menunjukkan relevansi content. Tanpa keyword, search engine akan menjadi "buta" karena tidak ada referensi untuk menilai konten blog. Sebenarnya sudah pasti setiap konten blog memiliki keyword, namun apakah search engine dapat melihatnya dengan baik? Apakah keyword tersebut mewakili

Christmas Hams! Feral Hog Bacon and Sausage.

Boy Howdy do we have some treats for you this year! After a VERY successful Texas Feral Hog hunt we have Wild Hams and bacon available in limited Supply, as well as a variety of Wild Sausages. I kept back a few tenderloins for special friends but everything else got ground, cured, or smoked. In some cases all of the above! Ian will have the sausage list ready in a few days and yes Fabian there will be Lanjaiger! Boerwaars are drying and lots of other porky goodness! We also have plenty of Duroc and Berkshire hogs available for your pleasure. And let's not forget the dry cured hams! In fact with everyone wanting bacon, Chops, ribs, roasts, steaks and cushion are in abundance. Beef shares are available for early January and we have plenty under inspection for those of you looking for just a roast or a few steaks, The ground beef sale is still on through the New Year and we have Gift certificates available for farm members and inspected products both. Our partial move is under way and we should be working the Hill Ranch by late January, Give us a call and plan a visit! Lambs and Goat Kids have arrived at the Home Place, Calves are on on Pasture and our PBS spot will air in February or March, Giving you a first hand look at what we do, how we do it, and why. 
Anyone wanting Hides for the next year needs to reserve one now, and the Muley(polled Cattle) skulls are spoken for through May.  I took Jane's advice and got Ol' Marcel's head mounted, he was such a beautiful example of the Aberdeen Angus that I felt he needed to "Hang Around" for folks to see. He will go in the office at Hill Ranch right next to Cal Poly Special. Remind me to tell you his story some day. We will only have 4 bison to go this spring so reserve early or you may miss out! Beefalo will be ready to process then as well.
December lambs are nearly sold out and the next crop won't be ready until late spring.
Ken is going to take over the poultry operation and we will have a larger variety of birds next year.(Lord knows that I wasn't going to do it! You all know how I feel about birds!)
I've been asked to do a post on production and transparency so stay tuned, My opinions tend to rub some folks the wrong way but hey, I gotta be me! Until then, take care and may the Lord keep you well.

Jumat, 25 November 2011

Cara Integrasi Profil Blogger dengan Profil Google+

Google+ saat ini menjadi brand social media yg semakin matang serta memiliki fitur yg selalu berkembang. Baru saja Google+ memperkenalkan Google+ Pages yg menjadi media promosi bisnis, brand, organisasi, hingga web/blog.  Sebagai salah seorang pengguna Blogger, saya melihat begitu banyak keuntungan Google+ Pages, diantaranya adalah untuk menyatukan fan atau follower blog dalam sebuah media

Rabu, 23 November 2011

Cara Membuat & Memasang Twitter Follow Button (Official)

Twitter Follow Button yg dirilis secara official oleh twitter kini semakin memiliki fitur yg canggih. Meskipun hanya ditampilkan dalam bentuk button dan link sederhana, sebenarnya ada beberapa hal yg dapat dilakukan hanya dengan sekali klik, tidak seperti twitter follow widget yg sebelumnya. "Dengan klik button, pengunjung dapat langsung melakukan follow tanpa harus masuk ke twitter." Link yg

Minggu, 20 November 2011

Tentang Kasus Facebook Menuntut Ainun Nazieb (2 Milyar)

Sejak 3-4 hari yg lalu berita tentang Facebook menuntut Ainun Nazieb karena cloning theme santer terdengar di beberapa media berita dan blog. Saya sangat yakin sudah banyak sobat blogger yg mendengar berita tersebut. Artikel ini adalah sedikit tanggapan saya setelah pada awal saya mendengar berita ini beberapa hari lalu, saya cukup kaget juga karena kasusnya berkaitan dengan hak cipta, seperti yg

Jumat, 18 November 2011

Cara [Curang] Meningkatkan "Kualitas" Blog dengan Cepat!

Sebagai intermezzo aja nih, sobat Blogger semua. Buka Rahasia Blogspot pengen sedikit mengisi jeda karena proses mengumpulkan ide dan menulis beberapa materi artikel baru belum kelar-kelar juga. So, biar ga jenuh karena kepala mulai puyeng, saya mengajak sobat semua untuk sedikit mengenal cara curang dalam ngeblog. Hehe, baca judulnya mungkin menarik banget yah. Tapi semenarik itukah isinya?

Senin, 14 November 2011

Occupy What?

I think that the Occupy movement has lost its message and devolved into nothing more than an excuse to do nothing and demand everything. You want to impress me? Do something besides sit on your backsides whining. Plant some veggies in a garden or window box to help lower your food bills, Get involved in a community garden project to offset hunger in your neighborhood. Get together with friends, form a buying pool and get your meats from a local rancher or if you live in the city find one that delivers. You can raise a couple of hens in an apartment, yes I said an Apartment. If they allow birds you can have hens!  If you really want to impress the masses BE the Change that you want to see. Stop whining and get busy! No one owes you a living.

Caffeine, Google Fresh, & Tips Menghadapi-nya (Google Panda Update 2.6)

Google Fresh, sebuah istilah baru yg merupakan bagian dari update Google Panda November 2011 (Google Panda Update 2.6) kini semakin ramai dibicarakan oleh para webmaster. Beberapa informasi yg saya simak menghasilkan garis besar yg menunjukkan bahwa para webmaster tersebut benar-benar menyikapinya secara serius, jauh lebih serius dari panda update sebelumnya. Ada apa gerangan?

Minggu, 13 November 2011

Holiday Goodies!

Whew! It's getting busy around here! Steers to the processor, Turkeys to be picked up, Hogs to be harvested, add to that fall lambing and a partial move and I think I need to be 3 people! We've made a few changes in our schedule so orders get out more quickly and thanks to Dr. Bacon a more streamlined ordering process is being designed.
Turkey and Beef share pick up is next Saturday unless prior arrangements are made. I would also like to ask that when you stop by the pastures please do not feed the animals, Most of the mother cows are friendly but there are a couple of old bossies out there that will HURT YOU if you try to get too close to their calves.
Sean is here visiting and has taken on the oversight of the sheep flocks while he is here. (Good Job for a Scottish Hill Shepherd on vacation!) I am having a great time relearning my all too rusty Gaelic! He takes the young dogs with him in groups of 3 so that by the time he heads back over the pond I will definitely know for sure if my instincts are correct on who to keep for working. He agrees with my choices on replacement Rams so far (He refers to them as Tups as they are all young Rams) and likes the breeding program that we have in place. YAY ME! ( I even got a compliment out of him on the quality of the lambs, and a compliment from a Scot is Hard to come by!) Remember to get your orders in for December Lambs, Commercial Crosses and Dorpers this round.
All of the bred cows have been ultrasounded and we have a 90 percent conception rate! Whoo HOO! 2 sets of twins were detected so we know to keep a closer eye on those ladies as calving time approaches. (yes I am praying for no Freemartens this next year) The remaining girls will go in with the bull next week to see if we can get them covered, any that don't take for the second year will rotate out of the breeding herds. All in all it has been a fairly good year with only a few OMG Call the Vet nights. The Truck problems fouled us up for a bit but we are back on track and grateful for your understanding and support. I thank God every day for the life that I am able to lead, the amazing people that I meet along the way, and the good friends that have come into my life. Thank you for being part of our farming and ranching family and have a wonderful Holiday Season. (Oh, Please tell Santa that I would LOVE a Camera for Christmas so I can add pictures to my blog posts! (The one on my cell phone is less than great)I promise that I will act surprised!) Until next time...
Dia, cairde maithe, beostoic sla'intiu'il, agus madra maith, coinni'onn du'inn cad iad. (God, good friends, healthy livestock, and a good dog, are what keep us)

Cara Membuat Google+ Page & Widget Google+ Page di Blog/Web

Kehadiran Fitur Google+ PageGoogle+ semakin menunjukkan kekuatannya. Fitur baru, yaitu Google+ Pages (halaman mirip dengan Facebook Page), telah diluncurkan pada 7 November 2011 lalu. Saya mendapat kan notifikasi dari Google+ mengenai hal tersebut serta telah mencoba membuatnya. Ternyata G+ Page memiliki potensi & fitur yg lumayan bagus juga. Google+ Page dapat menjadi alat yg kuat untuk share

Kamis, 10 November 2011

10 Situs Download Gambar Gratis Buat Blog/Web & Desain

Gambar di dalam posting blog memiliki arti penting. Gambar/image (photo or picture) bukan hanya sebagai penghias semata. Jika dipilih secara matang, gambar dapat menjadi ilustrasi isi posting blog, memperkuat nuansa, serta memberikan kesan dan dramatisasi atas tema yg diusung di dalam artikel. Selain itu, gambar juga dibutuhkan bagi halaman web/blog sebagai petunjuk/indikator navigasi, 

Senin, 07 November 2011

Flixya Di-Banned dari Google Adsense

Sudah 4 hari, hingga malam tadi, saya tidak berkunjung ke Flixya. Biasanya saya menyempatkan mampir ke Flixya paling tidak dua hari sekali.
Eit... sebentar, sebelum melanjutkan cerita, ada baiknya saya bicara sedikit mengenai Flixya buat sobat yg belum kenalan dengan Flixya....
Flixya adalah layanan Social Networking dimana user dapat berbagi konten berupa artikel, video, dan gambar, disebut

Minggu, 06 November 2011

URL Feed Blogger: Dasar Sindikasi Feed Blogspot

Artikel ini adalah awal dari beberapa seri mengenai Blogger Feed yg ke depan akan saya kupas lebih jauh lagi. Memahami feed merupakan hal esensial bagi usaha pengembangan blog, terutama dalam usaha sindikasi, publikasi konten blog, serta peningkatan readership & traffic blog. 
Apa itu Feed?Feed, atau lazim juga disebut umpan, adalah format data yg digunakan untuk menyediakan update konten bagi

Jumat, 04 November 2011

Expansion under way!

I apologize for being lax in my blogging lately but we are expanding our operation and have been busy getting ready for the changes!
Our home place will still be here for members and friends to visit but we are moving back on to the Hill ranch as well. More room for the critters, bigger home pastures, and a complete renovation have given us a unique opportunity to focus on hands on experiences for members and friends. Those of you that remember Christmas Parties in the barn and long nights in the birthing stalls will be glad to know that we are planning to pick up the pace there and bring in the Small herd of Belties, the breeding flocks of Registered Dorper, karakul, and Khatadin Sheep, as well as a few surprises! The horses will go up to The Hill as well. Our Commercial crosses will stay on the leases but the move will give folks a better perspective of life on a working ranch, as well as a place for our members to stay when they come visit.
The Home place will still be home to the Grandma sheep, hogs, and veggie gardens.
Winter lambs will be ready to go in mid December so order early! 4 beeves went in on Monday and shares are going fast. Turkey's are almost sold out and there are only 2 pork shares available for next month. Thank you all so much for your loyalty and continued support! We wouldn't be here without you!

Kamis, 03 November 2011

Perangi Pencurian Konten dengan DMCA Blogger (Panduan Praktis)

Pencurian konten / artikel blog serasa menjadi hal basi karena sejak blog ada, wacana ini terus dibicarakan dan seolah tiada habis-habisnya. Tapi memang, alasan di balik itu sangatlah kuat dan bisa dipahami. Banyak blogger yg mengeluh atas kasus pencurian konten yg menimpa mereka, termasuk saya. Sangat lah disayangkan apabila konten yg telah dibuat dengan jerih payah, dengan pemikiran mendalam,

Selasa, 01 November 2011

VIVAnews - Google Hukum Pencuri Konten dengan Page Rank

Pengantar dari buka-rahasia.blogspot.com:Saya menemukan artikel ini di VIVAnews. Sangat menarik sekali untuk disimak karena, meskipun singkat, memiliki poin penting dan perlu digarisbawahi, yaitu mengenai pencurian konten dan google PageRank (yg ini bukan pagerank toolbar, melainkan realtime pagerank sebuah halaman blog/web di urutan hasil pencarian [SERP]). So, I decided to 'blog this' and share

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Cara Mengatasi Duplicate Meta Description di Blogger/Blogspot

Kasus duplikasi meta tags, terutama meta description (meta deskripsi) lazim dialami blog berplatform Blogger karena template blogger memiliki aturan-aturan umum tertentu yg berlaku bagi semua halaman (XML template). Dalam satu blog, beberapa halaman dapat memiliki deskripsi yg sama. Hal ini terjadi karena Google spider menemui deskripsi tersebut di setiap halaman yg di-crawl. Karena Google

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

Jailbreaking ios 5

If you have already got iOS 5b1 and jailbreaked it also on iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad and iPod Touch usingRedsn0w 0.9.8 and now looking for the famous handy tweak “Installous” to work on iOS 5 and allows you to download free apps from the App Store, than there is a good news for you. You can install installous 4+ on iOS 5, basically there is not a update for Installous, but magically it works on iOS 5 too.
To get installous on your iOS 5 jailbroken iPhone 4 /3GS, iPad and iPod Touch, all you need to do is, jailbreak your device at iOS 5 with Redsn0w 0.9.8, but if you have already done it, then go ahead to these simple steps:
Update: AppSync For iOS 5 Is Available Now, Allows You To Sync Crack Apps From iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch To iTunesHere’s How To Get It On Device!
Step 1: First of all, give a hit to the Cydia icon and launch it on your device
Step 2: Now tap on “Manage” tab, than give a hit to the “Sources” section to add the InstallousCydia/APT URL, add the following  http://cydia.hackulo.us address in field and give a tap on “Add Source” button.
Step 3: Now wait for some time, until Cydia updates its repo database and index the new Installous, after some seconds give a hit to the Search Bar and type “Installous” and search for it.

Step 4: Now simply select the Installous 4 from the shown search result and install it on your device, it will ask you to reboot your device, do it.

Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Interpreting Your Data: How To Understand Calculated Metrics

Welcome to the second post in our "Interpreting Your Data" series for affiliate advertisers, brought to you by Google Affiliate Network analysts. View all posts in the series here

Calculated metrics provide great insight into how specific variables are performing. A few of these commonly used metrics are conversion rate, click through rate, and average order value.
In this post, we will use examples to discuss how you can use calculated metrics to interpret your affiliate program data. 

Reviewing performance data using calculated metrics:
You’re in the Google Affiliate Network interface, reviewing performance reports and notice your conversion rate has increased. You may think -- “That’s great news!” Or, is it?

Before celebrating, you’ll need to ask a few more questions and take a deeper look to determine whether an increase in conversion rate is really a positive indicator for your overall program.

This is because conversion rate is a calculated metric that is generated by combining two other metrics -- in this case, conversions divided by clicks. Whenever you use a calculated metric, you should understand what’s happening to both of the underlying metrics to to determine an overall trend.

Example 1:
  • In period 1, you have 33 conversions and 100 clicks, so your conversion rate is 33%.
  • In period 2, you have 25 conversions and 50 clicks, so your conversion rate is 50%.
As you can see, the conversion rate goes up in period 2. Is that good? There are fewer conversions in period 2 and fewer clicks. You should investigate why clicks went down before you can determine if this is a positive or negative indicator.

Understanding metric composition:
With an affiliate program, you should also consider the composition of each metric. That is, the composition of all of the publishers that are driving clicks and conversions. Each individual publisher composes one part of each metric.If you see conversion rates go down, you may think that this is negative indicator. To determine the significance, you should check if the conversion rate is down for every publisher and if you added any new publishers. 

Example 2:
  • Publisher X had 33 conversions from 100 clicks totaling a 33% conversion rate. 
  • Then you add publisher Y, who generates 200 clicks, 20 conversions totaling 10% conversion rate.
  • These two publisher combined generate 53 conversions on 300 clicks, for a conversion rate of 26.5%. 
  • The combined conversion rate is down, but that’s only because you added a publisher that drives more clicks at a lower than average conversion rate. 
  • You still have 33% conversion from publisher Y that drove 100 clicks.
In this example, it’s important to look more closely at the new publisher. It’s possible they have a lower conversion rate due to their business model. Adding this publisher to the program changes your overall number.

In summary, when you’re looking at the movement of a calculated metric (such as conversion rate and average order value) you shouldn’t stop there. To understand the shift, you should do a bit more investigating to find out why that metric moved.

For additional resources on analyzing your program, please see this analysis checklist help center article. 

Posted by Dan Filowitz, Manager of Affiliate Operations

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Cara Hapus Google Search Image Frame (Frame Breaker)

Google search image frame? Ya, tampilan gambar yg terindeks Google biasanya ditampilkan di lapisan/bagian atas sebuah halaman blog/web. Gambar yg ditampilkan dibalut dalam tampilan kerangka (frame) Google yg berisi beberapa informasi mengenai gambar dan sama sekali tidak berkaitan dengan isi halaman blog/web yg memuat gambar tersebut. Bisa jadi hal ini cukup mengganggu karena blog/web dimana

Buat Widget Google Plus (Google+) di Blog/Web (Add To Circles Widget)

Google Plus menjadi social media yg keberadaannya semakin diperhitungkan, meskipun sampai saat ini bisa dibilang kekuatan Google+ masih kembang kempis dibandingkan Facebook yg tidak mau kalah dengan menghadirkan banyak inovasi dan fitur baru untuk memikat user. Namun, cara bagi kita, para Blogger, untuk lebih menguasai dunia maya & social media adalah dengan melebarkan sayap dalam bentuk apapun

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

Facebook Insights: Lihat Perkembangan Blog/Website di Facebook

Apa itu Facebook Insights?Facebook Insights adalah salah satu layanan dan aplikasi developer berplatform Facebook yg berfungsi untuk melihat, menganalisa, dan memahami berbagai trend user, demografi, tingkat konsumsi konten, tingkat popularitas konten, dan lain sebagainya. Dengan menggunakan Facebook Insights, para pemilik page Facebook dan developer platform dapat melakukan usaha-usaha

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

Bisnis Pulsa Elektrik Murah: Jadi Agen Pulsa, Untung Melimpah

Bisnis Pulsa Elektrik? pertanyaan ini muncul ketika pertama kali mendengar tawaran tentang bisnis pulsa elektrik. Sebuah bisnis baru kah? Sebenarnya tidak. Bisnis jenis ini sudah ada bertahun-tahun dan telah berkembang pesat di Indonesia sejak adanya handphone (HP). Bisnis pulsa kemudian berevolusi menjadi sebuah peluang bisnis yg sangat menjanjikan. Mengapa? Salah satu latar belakang yg paling

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

SEO Tips: Kumpulan Tips SEO Blog Buka-Rahasia.Blogspot.Com

SEO, seperti yg dulu pernah saya bicarakan di Tutorial Dasar & Cara Meningkatkan SEO Blogspot, adalah usaha untuk meningkatkan traffic blog/web melalui search engine. Search Engine Optimization bisa dibilang sebagai salah satu hal pokok untuk meraih kesuksesan suatu blog/website karena SEO sebenarnya tidak hanya berbicara tentang traffic, melainkan tentang visibilitas, popularitas, dan nilai

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

Recipes! and where to find the best ones!

Ya'll have been asking for recipes, and to be honest I haven't had time to do much noteworthy cooking lately! Civilized Caveman Cooking Creations, Big Tim's Primal journey, and Date Night Doin's have some great recipes using our meats and I am posting beautiful pictures on the MM Livestock Co Facebook page. They aren't all my products, some of them aren't even primal, but not all of you eat the way that I do! I think that everyone enjoys a great recipe no matter the source and I share what I like.(I do post the exchanges for paleo/primal on traditional dishes when possible)
I am a Southern Girl that really likes that style of food, and Creole, Low Country, and Cajun dishes give me the shivers! If it can go in a cast iron pot or over the open flame, I'm there! Smoking and good BBQ are in my blood, do you see where I'm going here?. I love to compete in cast iron competitions, believe that Chili has no beans, That a good steak stands alone, and that potatoes are over rated! I have to spend most of my time working stock and tending to farm matters so I'm going to leave the cooking posts to the experts (unless I come up with a stunner!) Okay, rant over and please pass the Howling Dog Hot sauce!