Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013

Apa itu Leukimia

Leukemia merupakan kanser sel-sel yang membentuk darah. Leukemia menyebabkan jumlah sel darah putih yang belum matang dihasilkan.
Sel-sel abnormal ini dipanggil blas leukemia, tidak boleh menjalankan fungsi-fungsi normal sel-sel darah putih.
Mereka terkumpul di dalam sum sum tulang dan melimpah ke dalam darah dan
mungkin merebak ke dalam organ-organ seperti hati, limpa, paru-paru dan buah pinggang. Kadang-kala, sel-sel ini juga mungkin merebak masuk ke dalam cecair di sekeliling otak dan saraf tunjang.
Oleh kerana terlalu banyak sel-sel darah putih yang terkumpul di dalam sum sum tulang, sum-sum tulang tidak dapat menghasilkan sel-sel darah merah, sel-sel darah putih dan platelet yang mencukupi.

Jenis-jenis Leukemia
Leukemia terjadi di dalam beberapa bentuk. Sesetengah bentuk timbul serta-merta dan berkembang dengan cepat di dalam masa beberapa hari atau beberapa minggu sahaja: Ini merupakan leukemia akut. Yang lainnya pula tidak nyata dan berkembang dengan kadar yang perlahan di dalam masa beberapa bulan atau beberapa tahun: ini merupakan leukemiakronik.
Penyakit-penyakit leukemia dinamakan mengikut jenis-jenis sel darah putih yang terlibat. Leukemia mieloid ialah leukemia yang melibatkan granulosit-granulosit; leukemia limfoid melibatkan limfosit-limfosit.
Leukemia Limfoid Akut (Acute Lymphoid Leukaemia (ALL))
Leukemia limfoid akut lebih lazim pada kanak-kanak dan merupakan peratusan yang kecil sahaja di kalangan leukemia orang dewasa. Ia menjejaskan limfosit-limfosit yang belum matang. Limfosit yang normal bertanggungjawab
melawan jangkitan: apabila bakteria atau virus menyerang tubuh, limfosit bertindak balas dengan menghasilkan antibodi atau sel-sel pembunuh limfosit yang khas.
Apabila anda menghidapi leukemia limfoid akut, limfosit tidak dapat berfungsi dengan betul dan anda mungkin mendapat jangkitan yang serius. Tambahan pula, penyakit ini menyebabkan banyak limfosit yang abnormal dihasilkan, yang menghimpit sel-sel darah merah dan platelet yang normal.
Leukemia Limfoid Kronik (Chronic Lymphoid Leukaemia (CLL))
Leukemia ini juga menjejaskan limfosit-limfosit, tetapi berkembang dengan lebih perlahan daripada leukemia limfoid akut. Penyakit ini menyerang orang dewasa tetapi tidak dikesan pada kanak-kanak.
Penyakit ini berkembang dengan lebih perlahan, oleh itu sel-sel normal tidak terhimpit dan ditolak keluar dengan cepatnya berbanding dengan leukemia limfoid akut. Jika anda menghidapi leukemia limfoid kronik, anda mungkin tidak mengalami sebarang gejala sehinggalah peringkatperingkat lanjut penyakit ini.
Leukemia Mieloid Akut (Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML))
Leukemia ini biasanya menyerang orang dewasa, tetapi boleh terjadi pada kanak-kanak dan remaja.
Leukemia mieloid akut terutamanya menjejaskan sel-sel mieloid yang dikenali sebagaigranulosit. Penyakit ini menghasilkan sel-sel mieloid yang masih muda di dalam jumlah yang berlebihan dan menyebabkan kekurangan sel-sel mieloid yang matang. Sel-sel mieloid yang muda ini boleh menyekat salur-salur darah.
Leukemia Mieloid Kronik (Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML))
Leukemia mieloid kronik boleh terjadi pada semua peringkat umur tetapi paling jarang dikesan pada usia di bawah 20 tahun.
Ia menghalang sel-sel mieloid daripada berfungsi dengan betul. Ia berlaku di dalam dua peringkat: pertama, berlakunya pembahagian sel-sel abnormal secara perlahan. Kemudian, ia boleh dengan cepatnya berubah ke peringkat akut.
Apakah punca-punca Leukemia?
Punca-punca leukemia tidak diketahui. Beberapa faktor mungkin mempengaruhi
perkembangannya. Faktor-faktor risiko ini hanya menjelaskan punca sebilangan kecil kes leukemia. Mempunyai satu atau lebih faktor-faktor berikut tidak bermakna anda akan mendapat leukemia. Jika anda merasa ragu tentang sebarang faktor di bawah, anda harus berbincang dengan doktor anda.
Faktor-faktor genetik: Kanak-kanak Down’s syndrome dan kanak-kanak yang mempunyai keabnormalan kongenital lain yang jarang mempunyai risiko akut leukemia yang meningkat. Faktor-faktor genetik mungkin memainkan peranan di dalam perkembangan leukemia limfoid kronik. Leukemia limfoid kronik lebih lazim pada lelaki dan mungkin diwarisi di dalam keluarga.
Sinaran: leukemia berlaku pada kadar yang lebih tinggi daripada biasa di kalangan orang yang terdedah kepada sinaran yang tinggi. Ini termasuk orang-orang yang terselamat di dalam letupan-letupan bom atom di Jepun, orang-orang yang terdedah kepada sinaran selepas bencana loji nuklear Chernobyl, dan orang-orang yang menerima sinaran di dalam jumlah yang banyak yang perlu bagi rawatan keadaan-keadaan perubatan yang tertentu pada masa lalu.
Bahan-bahan kimia: orang-orang yang terdedah kepada benzena mempunyai risiko yang meningkat mendapat leukemia mieloid akut. Merokok juga meningkatkan risiko mendapat leukemia mieloid akut.
Negara asal: di kawasan-kawasan tertentu di dunia, seperti selatan-barat Jepun, bahagian-bahagian Afrika dan Caribbean, suatu jenis leukemia tertentu boleh merebak di kalangan penduduk tempatan oleh suatu virus yang dikenali sebagai HTLV (Human T Cell Leukaemia Lymphoma Virus).
:: Diagnosis ::
Orang yang mempunyai gejala-gejala leukemia akan menjalani ujian-ujian darah dan ujian-ujian sum sum tulang, yang boleh mengesahkan sama ada penyakit ini hadir atau tidak.
Gejala-gejala leukemia adalah sama seperti gejala-gejala keadaan-keadaan lain yang biasa. Jika anda berasa ragu tentang gejala-gejala yang anda alami, anda harus berjumpa doktor.
Gejala-gejala Leukemia akut
Gejala-gejala leukemia akut selalunya boleh dilihat dengan tiba-tiba kerana leukemia jenis ini berkembang dengan cepat.
  • Rasa lemah, letih dan kelihatan pucat yang mungkin berpunca daripada jumlah sel darah merah yang berkurangan.
  • Perdarahan yang berterusan agak lama, contohnya hidung berdarah dengan banyaknya, atau mudah lebam yang mungkin berpunca daripada kekurangan platelet.
  • Kecenderungan untuk mendapat jangkitan dan mempunyai suhu badan yang tinggi yang
  • mungkin berpunca daripada sel-sel darah putih yang tidak berfungsi dengan betul.
  • Kesakitan di dalam tulang dan sendi mungkin juga dialami.
Gejala-gejala leukemia kronik
Gejala-gejala leukemia kronik berkembang di dalam masa beberapa bulan atau beberapa tahun. Gejala-gejala ini sama seperti gejala-gejala leukemia akut tetapi termasuk pembesaran nodus limfa, limpa, dan hati. Anemia juga mungkin suatu gejala leukemia mieloid kronik.
Kebanyakan orang yang menghidapi leukemia mieloid kronik langsung tidak sedar yang mereka mendapat penyakit ini dan mungkin hanya didiagnosis semasa pemeriksaan bagi masalah perubatan yang lain.
Leukemia mieloid kronik selalunya berkembang dengan kadar yang perlahan pada mulanya tetapi mungkin berubah dengan kadar yang lebih aktif dan menjadi lebih seperti leukemia akut selepas beberapa tahun.
Doktor dan ahli-ahli profesional kesihatan yang manakah patut saya jumpa?
Doktor biasa anda akan merujuk anda untuk mendapatkan ujian-ujian awal untuk mengesahkan sama ada anda menghidapi kanser atau tidak. Jika suatu diagnosis kanser dibuat, dia mungkin kemudiannya akan merujuk anda kepada seorang pakar yang akan menasihati anda tentang opsyen-opsyen rawatan.
Pakar-pakar dan ahli-ahli profesional kesihatan yang menjaga orang yang menghidapi leukemia termasuk:
  • pakar bedah: yang bertanggungjawab ke atas biopsi dan prosedur-prosedur
  • pembedahan yang lain
  • pakar hematologi: yang mendiagnosis dan merawat orang yang mengalami penyakit darah
  • pakar onkologi perubatan: yang bertanggungjawab bagi kemoterapi
  • pakar onkologi sinaran: yang bertanggungjawab bagi radioterapi
  • pakar pemakanan: yang akan mencadangkan pemakanan yang paling baik untuk diikuti semasa anda di dalam rawatan dan pemulihan
  • jururawat: yang membantu anda sepanjang semua peringkat kanser yang anda alami di hospital
  • pegawai-pegawai kebajikan dan juru pulih pekerjaan: yang akan menasihati anda tentang perkhidmatan sokongan dan membantu anda kembali menjalankan aktiviti harian anda.
Bagaimana leukemia didiagnosis
Leukemia boleh didiagnosis dengan memeriksa sampel-sampel darah dan sum sum tulang anda di bawah mikroskop. Biopsi nodus limfa mungkin juga disyorkan. Ujian-ujian darah dan sum sum tulang juga merupakan cara-cara meneliti perkembangan, jadi ujian-ujian ini akan diteruskan semasa dan selepas rawatan.
Ujian darah
Leukemia adalah disyaki jika ujian darah menunjukkan sel-sel darah putih yang abnormal di dalam jumlah yang besar dan sel-sel darah merah, platelet dan sel-sel darah putih yang normal di dalam jumlah yang sedikit.
Biopsi sum sum tulang
Biopsi biasanya diperlukan untuk mendiagnosis jenis leukemia. Sedikit cecair diambil daripada sum sum tulang menggunakan siring dan secebis kecil teras sum sum tulang diambil keluar.
Sampel-sampel ini kemudiannya diperiksa di bawah mikroskop. Menjalani biopsi sum sum tulang mungkin menyakitkan, oleh itu anestetik setempat selalunya diberikan. Anda juga mungkin diberikan sedatif untuk meningkatkan keselesaan semasa prosedur ini.
Biopsi nodus limfa
Jika anda mempunyai nodus limfa yang mengalami inflamasi, doktor anda mungkin akan mengesyorkan suatu biopsi untuk mengesan sama ada ini adalah berkaitan dengan leukemia.
Tisu diambil keluar daripada nodus limfa yang terjejas bagi pemeriksaan di bawah mikroskop. Anda mungkin diberi anestetik setempat ataupun am, bergantung kepada kedudukan nodus yang terjejas itu. Prosedur ini boleh dilakukan sebagai pesakit luar atau semasa tinggal sebentar di hospital.
Punktur lumbar (‘spinal tap’)
Doktor anda mungkin mengesyorkan suatu punktur lumbar untuk mengesan sel-sel leukemia di dalam cecair yang mengelilingi otak dan saraf tunjang.
Di dalam punktur lumbar, suatu jarum yang halus dimasukkan melalui ruang di antara tulang-tulang di bahagian bawah pinggang dan sedikit cecair diambil daripada bahagian keliling tulang belakang anda. Cecair ini kemudiannya diperiksa di bawah mikroskop.
Suatu anestetik setempat diberikan untuk mengurangkan rasa sakit dan tidak selesa yang dialami semasa prosedur ini. Sesetengah orang berasa bimbang menjalani prosedur ini: anda mungkin memilih untuk menerima sedatif jika anda suka. Bincangkanlah perkara ini dengan doktor anda.

Pembilangan SDM


 Contoh darah dicairkan dgn menggunakan larutan formal Citrate. Kemudian darah tersebut dimasukkan ke dlm ruang pembilang (neubauer chamber) dimana SDM didalm cairan yg diketahui isipadunya dikira.


  1. Sediakan ruang pembilangan neubauer chamber yg bersih dan tidak berhabuk dengan penutup kaca.
  2. Sedut sebanyak 20ul darah dr cucukan jari atau dr EDTA. Bersihkan muncung pipet dari kawasan darah.
  3. Kemudian cairkan darah trsebut dengan 4ml larutan pengcair (larutan formal Citrate ) di dlm sebuah tiub kaca.
  4. sebatikan dan biarkan selama 3 minit.
  5. Menggunakan pipet, masukkan cairan yg sudah sebati ke dlm ruangan pembilang neubauer chamber. Elakkan dari cairan melimpah kedlm parit.
  6. kirakan sel-sel darah yg ada didalam 1 petak besar yang berada di tengah-tengah ruang pembilang (neubauer chamber) dan sel darah yg kena pd garisan kiri dan bawah tidak dikira.

Pengiraan SDM:

-Bilangan SDM x Luas x Pembetulan isipadu x faktor pengcairan.
-Bilangan SDM x 5 x 10 x 200/mm3

Julat SDM:

Lelaki: 4.5 - 6.5 x 1012/L
Wanita: 3.8 - 5.8 x 1012/L
Bayi: 4.0 - 6.0 x 1012/L

Kamis, 28 Maret 2013

Calling all SF Bay Area residents: help test our new local, same-day delivery service

(cross-posted from the Google Commerce Blog)

We all rely on the web to turn our intentions into actions quickly and easily. From planning a spring break or a trip to the movies to finding the perfect gift for someone we love, the world is increasingly at our fingertips. And over the last few years, we've worked hard to bring the speed of the web to the real world. With Google Play, for example, you can now buy or rent books, movies and TV shows in seconds.

Today we're starting a new experiment, Google Shopping Express. It's a local delivery service that we hope will make it possible for you to get the items you order online the same day, and at a low cost. It's incredibly early days and so the service is only available to a small number of people in the Bay Area. 

As a tester, you will be able to shop online, in a single place, from retailers such as Target, Walgreens, Staples, American Eagle and Toys“R”Us/Babies“R”Us -- along with locally distinct shops such as San Francisco’s Blue Bottle Coffee, and the Bay Area’s Palo Alto Toy & Sport and Raley’s Nob Hill Foods, and get your items delivered that same day. So hopefully, no more trips across town for simple errands. 

If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area (in the city of San Francisco, and the Peninsula from San Mateo to San Jose) and would like to help test this new initiative, please sign up here. We
’re still working out our long-term pricing plan but early testers will get six months of free, unlimited same-day delivery. The pilot will expand as we work out the kinks, so please stay tuned.

Posted by Tom Fallows, Product Management Director, Google Shopping Express 

10 Things To Stop Doing When You Have Acne

Although acne is completely frustrating, there are things you can do to get it under control. There are also a few things you shouldn't do if you really want to get results and feel good about your skin. Here are 10 things to stop doing when you have acne.

1. Blaming Yourself

Acne doesn't happen because of something you did (or didn't do). Acne just is. Some people are prone to it, some aren't.
In fact, acne appears mainly because of your genes. It tends to run in families, so if your parents had acne you're more likely to break out, too.
Acne isn't your fault and you're not causing your acne. So, stop blaming yourself and instead spend that time finding a treatment that works for you.

2. Picking at Your Skin

Yeah, this is a tough one for me, too. When you see that zit, you really want to pop it to make it go away. While gently squeezing a pimple every once in a while probably won't do much harm, constant picking and forceful squeezing definitely will.
As hard as it may be, fight the urge to pick. You'll actually notice that your skin starts to look better.

3. Scrubbing, Over-Cleansing and Otherwise Over-Working Your Skin

Harsh scrubs, abrasive exfoliating pads and lots and lots of cleansing. Does this sound like your typical skin-care routine? If it does, stop!
Constantly using really abrasive scrubs can do more harm than good. Vigorous scrubbing can irritate the skin, aggravate inflammation and tear the tops off pimples. A good indicator that you're scrubbing too hard: Your skin looks really red or burns and stings afterwards.
Of course, some exfoliation is needed if you want clearer skin. Regular exfoliation helps keep your pores cleared of gunk and makes your skin softer, too. Gentle scrubs are usually okay, as are washcloths and soft facial brushes. Be aware that many acne treatments (like Retin-A MicroDifferin and other topical retinoids) already exfoliate the skin.Over-cleansing is another common problem. A clean face is important, but don't wash so much that your skin becomes over-dry. Cleansing two to three times per day is usually plenty. Much more and you're probably overdoing it.

4. Buying Into the Myths

It's hard sometimes to separate fact from fiction. But knowing the truth about acne, its development and its treatment is key in getting acne under control.
Acne isn't caused by dirt. You don't have acne because you touched your face with your hands. Having sex or masturbating doesn't cause acne. And contrary to what your mom told you, acne isn't caused by not washing your face.
What about your diet? The jury is still out on that one. While conventional wisdom still holds that diet doesn't play a role, some doctors are questioning that notion. Some studies have been done, but the reality is there still is no proven link between what you eat and acne. We do know things traditionally associated with acne (chocolate, French fries, pizza) don't affect acne one way or another.
Probably the biggest myth of all: You have to outgrow acne or wait for it to go away on its own.
Acne can be treated.

5. Spending Money on "Miracle Cures"

There are plenty of them out there - those supplements, herbs and vitamins that claim they cure your acne. Or those "special formulation" creams that promise to heal your breakouts in just days. We so desperately want to believe they will! It would be fabulous if we could just pop a few vitamins or use a miraculous cream and have clear skin.
No matter how professional the website or how convincing the claim, these products won't clear up acne. With the exception of isotretinoin, a powerful drug that is very likely to cure acne in many people, most professional treatments or prescription medications just keep the acne in check.
Don't spend your hard-earned cash on products that will only give questionable results, at best. It's better to spend money on proven over-the-counter (OTC) products (like benzoyl peroxide) or for a prescription medication.

6. Letting Acne Rule Your Life

You're all set to go to a party, but then you change your mind because you get a bad breakout or you find yourself not wanting to go out with friends. You avoid mirrors. Any of these sound familiar?
Acne can change the way you feel about yourself. It can make you feel self-conscious, embarrassed, ashamed and angry. Well, to a large extent, these feelings are completely normal.
It's okay if you feel this way. You don't have to pretend acne doesn't bother you. Acknowledge these feelings. Bring them out into the open. Talk to someone who is supportive. Often just opening up helps you feel better.
Stop letting acne dictate your social schedule. It's easier said than done, but it's important that you not let acne rule your life. You're much more than your skin.
There are things you can do to help protect and build your self-esteem. The good news is, just starting treatment often gives you a boost because it helps you feel more in control of your acne.
If acne is affecting you to the point where you feel like it's taking over your life, let your doctor know. It may mean you need to treat your acne more aggressively to get the improvement you’re looking for.

7. Sabotaging Your Treatment

We all want clear skin and we're ready to do anything to get it. But are you unwittingly sabotaging your treatment?
First and foremost, you have to use your treatments consistently. It's all too easy to get busy in the morning and rush off or be so tired at night you just fall into bed. Sometimes you just plain forget. But every missed dose means less effective treatment.
Don't jump from product to product. Weeks of waiting can seem like a lifetime, but by jumping around with your treatments you aren't allowing enough time for improvement. If you want to see if a treatment really works, you have to wait it out.
Make sure you understand how your treatments should be used. Should they be applied only at night? Can you take your oral medications with food? Is it okay to use an OTC acne product at the same time as your prescription? Ask your dermatologist and follow the directions to a "T." You'll be rewarded with better results.

8. Putting Off Seeing a Dermatologist

Most of us head to the drugstore when we start breaking out. There's nothing wrong with trying an OTC acne product first; if you're really lucky, that's all you'll need. But if you've used OTC products without much success for more than 12 weeks, it's time to make an appointment to see a doctor.
It's easy to put off seeing a dermatologist. You get busy, you think acne isn't that serious or you just keep holding out hope that something on the store shelf is going to work. But the longer you wait, the longer it will take to get your acne under control. The acne may get worse, and you run the risk of scarring if you wait.
If cost is an issue, consider the amount of money you can spend on OTC products that aren't working for you. Also, acne treatment is covered by most insurance. Most people with acne wish they had seen a dermatologist sooner. So, stop putting it off and make that call!

9. Letting Others Make You Feel Badly About Yourself

Sometimes people say or do things that hurt your feelings or make you really angry. Whether it's a careless comment, well-meaning but insensitive "advice" or a not-so-subtle glance at the skin, it can be a blow to already shaky self-esteem.
Keep it in perspective. Is grandma really trying to help you or just doing it in a clumsy way? Thank her and forget it. Is the person in your class just being a jerk? Ignore them.
Try to let these situations roll off your back. You may want to vent to your best friend or go for a run to blow off steam, or write a nasty letter to the offender (and then tear it into a million little pieces).
Don't allow others to have power over how you feel about yourself. Remember, you define who you are, not anyone else and certainly not acne.

10. Thinking Treatments Can't Work for You

It's so hard to stay positive and motivated when you have tried dozens of treatments and you still have acne. It's natural to want to give up.
There are so many acne treatments available today. Maybe you haven't hit on the right combination yet. Maybe you need to see a dermatologist. Maybe you need to switch dermatologists.
There are treatments out there for everyone. It may take longer than you expected, it may mean using medications you hoped you'd never need (like oral antibiotics or isotretinoin). But with the right treatment, the right physician in your corner and the patience and perseverance to keep trying, you can control your acne. Don't give up! Success may be right around the corner.

    Rabu, 27 Maret 2013

    celotehku lagi bingung

    celotehku lagi bingung

    celotehku lagi bingung

      Assalamualaikum sahabat,Hemmm nih malam lagi bingung sahabat blogger, mau nulis artikel apa,mau membahas apa, saking  bingungnya ana  nyasar lagi sahabat,tapi bukan nyasar di hutan belantara sahabat, hanya di dunia  wikipedia dan sampai juga di artikel blog senior-senior kita,Hemmm jadi malu ana nulis artikel sudah sedikit di tamabah lagi,Susah di pahami hemmmmm...... maklumlah masih baru di dunia ngeblog..Astagfirlloh  ana lagi ngapain nih? lagi ngeluh apa putus asa. mudah-mudahan bukan dua duanya ya sahabat blogger......

      Hemmm mau nulis artikel biar enak di baca rupanya lumayan susah ya sahabat, ups tak boleh putus asa hayooo diriku.....kamu pasti bisa....
    cerita dikit ah .......... tadi banyak sih yang di jelasin,Tentang membuat artikel biar enak dibaca...hemmmm.. wah tidak terasa sudah  larut malam nih..udah dulu ya sahabat,Entar di sambung lagi bada subuh hehehe ...........tuh kan sedikit lagi nulisnya,

     Wah kalau inimah bisikan setan kali biar telat shalat subuh nya,sedikit lagi aja deh deh tak apa ya sahabat....sambung ah yang tadi ana di ajarin,Katanya sih, biar tutorialnya enak di baca harus ngerti macam macam paragraf terus ana baca tuh.... pertama katanya paragraf:

    • narasi kata nya........................atau menceritakan
    • terus paragraf deskripsi ...............atau paragraf  menggambarkan
    • terus paragraf persuasi.................... atau mengajak
    • terus paragraf argumentsi...................... atau pendapat
    • dan exposisis............................................... atau menjelaskan
    Nah untuk contoh nya ana udah lupa sahabat hehehe maaf ya?
    pamit ah sudah malam nih dan ahir kata Assalamualaikum.. celotehku lagi bingung

    Pagerank Status: SEO Tools Ringan & Lengkap untuk Chrome

    Tidak ada pekerjaan rutin seorang Blogger yang memiliki porsi sama besar dengan menulis konten; kecuali satu hal: mengecek kondisi dan perkembangan blog; baik dari Segi SEO, traffic, aktivitas social media, dan bahkan pendapatan. Seberapa jauh perkembangan traffic blog menurut Alexa? Bagaimana keadaan pengunjung blog saya? Apakah optimasi SEO yang saya lakukan sudah tepat? dan masih banyak

    Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

    Google's new Think Insights: Your go-to destination for digital marketing

    (cross-posted from the Google Mobile Ads Blog)

    This week marks the debut of the new Think Insights, Google’s hub for marketing insights and inspiration for advertisers and agencies. On, you can learn about the latest research in digital marketing, be inspired by creative brand campaigns, and find useful products and tools. You’ll also find industry-leading case studies and Google’s latest research, strategic perspectives, interviews with innovators and experts and more — all to help you make the most of the web.

    Also, check out Mobile Search Moments: Understanding How Mobile Drives Conversions, in which Nielsen and Google analyzed over 6000 mobile searches and the actions that resulted, drawing connections between mobile searches and the conversions that they drive.

    For mobile marketers, you can explore the Mobile Ad Types section for mobile-specific research, case studies, articles and more. Start by viewing our featured story, The Mobile Playbook, The Busy Executive's Guide to Winning with Mobile by Jason Spero, Google's Head of Global Mobile Sales & Strategy.

    While you’re visiting, don’t miss the Mobile Ads product page, which contains the latest in mobile solutions to help grow your business and build brand momentum with mobile.

    For marketers who want to turn “light bulb” ideas into lightning or just want to check out the best in digital marketing -- we hope that you visit often. To stay up-to-date on the latest content added to the site, please subscribe to our monthly Think Letter.

    Posted by: The Think Insights Team

    Sapphire Glass will Replace Gorilla Glass in iPhone 6

    The one thing all of us dread doing with an expensive new device is dropping it. The first thing we do is look at the screen and pray it hasn’t cracked or scratched. This is one of the reasons why many smart devices now have Corning Gorilla glass as it is shock and scratch resistant.  However, good as it may be ,it isn’t the best product on the market.  Try dropping your phone, screen down onto concrete; it’ll be surprising if it survives. That’s where Gorilla’s competitor comes in.
    It’s called Sapphire and, at the moment, compared to Gorilla glass its expensive – 10 times more expensive. That will change as more and more manufacturers use it though, with GT Advanced Technologies expecting to see the price fall to around 5 times more than Gorilla in the next few years.  While it still isn’t cheap it could make manufacturers sit and consider it for device display screens.  For a start, it is the second hardest natural substance, after diamond; it is 3 times stronger and 3 times tougher than Gorilla and it is easy to produce.

    Apple are already using Sapphire in the iPhone – the glass that covers the camera sensor? That’s sapphire. So it would seem that, for Apple to use this product for an entire display isn’t out of the question and may not be too far away.  However, Sapphire is heavier than Corning glass, by around 60% so perhaps the only way to make use of it is to layer a cheaper glass with a micro thin layer of sapphire.
    Have a look at this short video to see a Sapphire  Display being used. In the meantime, Corning have announced their new glass, supposedly tougher than ever before and reported to be making its way onto the iPhone 6, iPad 5 and Mini.

    iPhone 5S To Ship With a 13-Megapixel Camera From Sony

    The number of rumors about the next generation iPhone, the 5S, is phenomenally high and a new one has just been added to the pile by iLounge. While it’s almost a given that the new device will have a faster processor, it’s now been suggested that it will feature a 13 megapixel camera, supplied by Sony.
    The current 8 megapixel camera on the iPhone us one of the best that has ever been featured on a smartphone and it prides itself on taking a pretty good picture.  Maybe a 13 megapixel camera sounds a little unbelievable for Apple, but iLounge claim that their information comes from current prototypes, codenamed N51 and N53. The same report agrees with all others that the 5S will retain the same form as the iPhone 5.
    While the iPhone 5 camera is better than that of its predecessor, if Sony are supplying the next one then it will be an even bigger improvement. However, at this stage it’s important to take all of these rumors with just a small pinch of salt and await the confirmed specifications.
    In other news the iPad Mini will get its retina display, probably in October. At the moment it has a code name of J85 and the new iPad the Gen is called the J72.  Both are expected to be released this year.

    Best Smart Phones of 2013

    Although we are only a short way into 2013, there are already some clear leaders in the smartphone market – and that’s before the rest of this year’s offerings are launched. Let’s have a very brief look at 6 of the very best smartphones of 2013:
    iPhone 5
    iphone 5 320x671 JPEG
    Apples latest offering, the iPhone 5 is now 6 months old and it really is a smartphone in more than one sense of the word. Dressed in stylish anodized aluminum and glass its packed full of Apple’s best features. It’s slightly bigger but lighter than its predecessor and runs on a dual-core 1.2GHz A6 processor with a triple core GPU, making it faster and more powerful than any other iPhone before it.

    Buy Online . Amazon
    Galaxy S4
    This is Samsung’s brand new flagship, due for release at the end of April and it certainly looks like its going to live up to the hype that surrounds it.  While it looks just as good as any other Galaxy model the main changes to this are in the software.  Samsung have introduced several new features such as Air Gestureand Air Play along with an on-the-fly translator.
    Buy Online . Amazon .
    HTC One
    Due for release at any time, this phone is HTC’s bid to get a stronger foothold in the Smartphone market.  And, it’s not a bad handset to be going on with. It’s got a bigger screen than many, at 4.7”, with a 1080 x 1920 resolution.  It also has the advantage of being able to work on 4G LTE networks where available.  Add in their new 4 megapixel, Ultra Pixel camera and a 1.7 GHz processor to the mix and you’ve got a handset that may just give the leaders some strong competition.
    Buy Online . Amazon .
    Sony Experia Z
    Just released by Sony, the Experia Z boasts a screen that is both scratch resistant and shatterproof. The phone itself is said to be dust and water-resistant, being able to be submerged to 1 meter for up to 30 minutes.  It has a 13.1 megapixel camera and 16GB of internal storage, which is expandable by way of the Micro SD slot by up to a further 64GB. It also has a 1.5GHz processor giving it speed and efficiency.
    Buy Online . Amazon .
    Blackberry Z10
    This is Blackberry’s “bet the farm” model, their last-ditch attempt at staying in the market. It runs on their brand new OS, Blackberry 10 which, by all accounts, is certainly enough to give it a shot.  It has an 8 megapixel camera, a 1.5GHz processor and 16GB of internal storage which is also expandable up to an extra 64GB. Already released in UK, Canada and Indonesia, it’s due to hit the US market any time now.
    Buy Online . Amazon .
    Nokia Lumia 920
    Released in November last year, the Nokia Lumia is certainly a nice phone to look at. Its hardware is pretty standard; 8 megapixel camera, 32GB internal storage which is not expandable and a 1.5 GHz dual core processor.  It is running on Windows Phone 8, Nokia’s attempt to boost their sales after ditching the unpopular OS, Symbian.
    Buy Online . Amazon .
    All of these phones have their good and bad sides, but they are the top of the pile and choice really comes down to personal preference.  Which one have you got ?

    10 Benefits of iPhone 5 over any Android Phone

    We’ve all read the arguments for and against the iPhone 5 and the comparisons between it and any of the Android smartphones. If you are looking to buy a new phone and are not sure what to go for, here are the top ten benefits of buying an iPhone 5 over and above any android phone:
    10.  Simple to Use
    grandpa using iphone
    This is the iPhone’s biggest selling points. The common misconception is that smartphones are way too hard to use and, yes, many of them are. The iPhone, however, is simplicity personified. Its uncomplicated interface makes it the phone of choice for any age group and for anyone who isn’t “tech-savvy”.
    9.  App Store
    Apple has the biggest app store there is on any operating system.  It offers more than 775,000 apps and tools for users and caters to just about every age group. Any function you can think of, any game or music app you want, you will find something in the app store to suit you, many of
    them completely free.
    8.  Screen Size
    galaxy s4 vs iphone 5
    Over the years screen sizes on phones have swung from large to tiny and back to large again, as often as a clock pendulum swings.  Apple has so far resisted the urge to turn their phones into unwieldy device that won’t fit comfortably in your pocket. The iPhone 5 retains the popular 4” size that displays its resolution perfectly.  Many of the Android devices, while having a great display resolution, are just too big to be comfortable.
    7.  Security
    security_iphone 5
    Apple security is second to none. They have far more resistance to hackers and security issues are small in comparison to others.  The iPhone 5 does not have an NFC chip which some see as a downside. However, that little chip can cause enormous issues with security – namely, if you are close enough to a hacker they can use that chip to steal valuable information from your device. Android have issued fixes for the problem but it’s always going to be an issue.
    6. Connectivity
    How many Apple products can you connect together ?  As many as you want.   No matter what you are trying to connect to or how many Apple products you want to connect, their options will allow for seamless and uncomplicated integration and connection.  Each and every one of their products is built to last and built to be either a standalone or part of a group and their connectivity options support each other.
    5. Durability
    broken android phones
    The iPhone 5 was recently tested against the Samsung S3 in a drop test – the S3 broke, the iPhone 5 escaped with a couple of scratches. That speaks for itself. This should be a huge consideration for anyone buying a phone. Accidents happen and they get knocked off or dropped but you want a phone that is going to survive. The iPhone is not unbreakable but it is more likely to last longer than many others.
    4. Fun
    real racing download iphone 5 (3)
    Gone are the days when a phone was just for calls and texts. Most people use them for games, playing music and even watching videos. This is where that massive App store comes into its own. As well as having more than anyone else, it also tends to get the new games first, often before Android gets a look in. You also get a much larger choice of whether to buy your game or go with the unpaid, ad-supported version. There’s a wide range of camera editing apps, fun music apps and health and fitness apps as well as just about any type of game you can possibly think of.
    3. Limited Choice
    While Android users get to choose between a variety of handsets or operating system, or even manufacturers, Apple users don’t. Apple only makes the one device in a few different models and those are only storage size options.  This means that this one device has to be the best it can be and having a limited choice isn’t necessarily such a bad thing.

    You know that you are getting a phone that does exactly what its meant to do and more. You know that you are getting  everything all wrapped up in one device, instead of having to pick the best of a bunch because it does some of what you want it to do. The iPhone 5 will do everything you want it to do and with a full support service thrown in.
     2. Genius
    No other manufacturer provides this – any Apple store that has a Genius bar will sort out any issues on your iPhone 5 completely free of charge, regardless of warranty. You’ll get free updates and upgrades and replacement hardware if needed. Appointments are normally necessary as there are a limited number of walk-in appointments available.
    1. Number One
    Because Apple are the number one smartphone manufacturer and the iPhone 5 is the top and biggest selling smartphone – nothing more to be said.

    Senin, 25 Maret 2013

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