Senin, 07 Agustus 2006

Chat with us in person at the Search Engine Strategies conference

Got a burning question about the new Webmaster Central? Eager to give feedback about our Webmaster tools?

Of course, we always appreciate hearing from you in our recently expanded Webmaster Help discussion group. But if you're one of thousands of Webmasters attending the Search Engine Strategies conference ("SES") this week in San Jose, California, we'd particularly enjoy meeting you in person!

Amanda, Vanessa, Matt, and I (along with many other Googlers) will be speaking at various sessions throughout the conference, as well as hanging out in the exhibit hall. On Tuesday and Wednesday, Amanda will also be spending some quality time in the Google booth. On Tuesday night at the Googleplex, a huge mass of Googlers (including all of us) will be demo'ing products and services, answering questions, and enjoying the food, libations, and live music with a broad array of guests from SES at the annual Google Dance.

Interested in learning more details? Check out the post on the main Google blog.

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