We're getting a few sprinkles today. Thank you Lord! We need the moisture so much! We are on a well and can do some irrigating but rain is a Good Thing! The critters here at the home farm are as excited as I am. I Just seeded the front turn out to winter rye, Fescue, and Ladino and it was as if Heaven smiled down and said,"Here ya go, Just a little something to make you feel better" The back 5 is dry as a bone and I was going to wait a while to seed it but decided this morning to put it in early, this winter is supposed to be wet and mild according to the Almanac and it's usually right! Most of the farm flock will be home in another month and I hope to have live grass for them. Nice!
Manny lost his tail last week and Is growing like a little weed! I will post more pictures on fb this week. The piggies are getting big and after the fair two heifers will grace the front turn out. We're keeping these girls around so our farm members don't have to brave barbed wire and a hike to see cattle unless they want to. We'll be breeding them in the spring so the whole cycle will take place right here.
The steers are starting to put on that bloom at finishing time, Knee deep in irrigated pasture. Nothing is prettier that a Grass Finished steer. I still giggle when people say that you can't get good finish on grass, Have you seen those butter balls?
Grace got one heck of a test of her skills this week! One of the flocks is back down from the Northern range and we had to separate the bred ewes from the yearlings in preparation for fall lambing. Grace got Lots of shedding practice! Tweed is still THE MAN but getting up in years and not as quick as he sometimes needs to be anymore. Working them as a brace gives the young dog confidence and the old man doesn't have to work quite so hard. The pups are coming on too! I think I have 3 sheep dogs for sure! The other two are definitely Cow dogs! They just think Cattle are a lot more interesting. (Okay, Cricket and Monk are land sharks!) Lambing season will be under way before we know it so the Jugs are being set up and all the necessary equipment cleaned and ready to go. We'll be in Idyllwild this weekend giving a demo so come on up and say hello! Until next time.
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