Senin, 31 Desember 2012

Tombol Back/Scroll to Top Dengan Efek Fading & Smooth untuk Blogger

Sudah banyak sobat blogger yang menanyakan tentang tombol back to top (tombol kembali ke atas) Blogger yang saya gunakan, karena berbeda dengan tombol yang sebelumnya sudah saya bagi. Jika yang lama hanya menggunakan fungsi hashtag pada url HTML (#top atau #), maka yang saya gunakan menggunakan fungsi javascript dan jquery. Tapi saya sempat agak bingung untuk berbagi karena script yang saya

Kamis, 27 Desember 2012

Menambahkan URL Sumber Otomatis Pada Artikel yang DiCopas

Catatan kecil:

Artikel ini ternyata sudah nangkring di jajaran draft artikel saya cukup lama. Jadi, mumpung kantor dan jam ngajar lagi libur, project website sudah kelar, tidak ada salahnya merayakan kebebasan (hahaha) dengan menerbitkan artikel ini, dengan sedikit revisi, meskipun mungkin sudah banyak yang mengimplementasikan dan membagi caranya. Selain itu, sia-sia rasanya jika sudah menyusun

Fitur GooglePlus Mentions Hadir di Posting Blogger


Fitur mentions (@ pada Facebook dan Twitter serta +/@ pada Google+) adalah fitur yang sangat efektif untuk memberikan notifikasi pada seseorang yang terkait atau terlibat dalam pembicaraan/aktivitas tertentu. Nah, kini fitur mentions pada Google+ dapat juga digunakan di Blogger. Cara menampilkannya pun cukup sederhana. Anda dapat mengaitkan (mention) profil Google+ teman anda atau

Selasa, 18 Desember 2012


Have you ever felt like you were walking on a pontoon bridge with no hand ropes? Yeah! Whew! Scary, exciting, disturbing, all the adjectives come to mind. Taking a position that shifts my focus away from the farm full time, Changing my base of operation, Bringing people in to manage my stock, and the Biggie, Letting the home farm become a rescue. What Monumental shifts! I'm used to being hands on 24-7 and the shift has and is humbling and a bit uncomfortable. Thank Heaven for great friends and business partners that see beyond my scattered emotions and have the courage to kick me in the tush when I want to say F*** it! What they say about one door closing and a window opening is absolutely true! As the year draws to a close and we move forward I have to thank a few people that have really made a difference during this time of change.
I have to thank D for being the man he is, A good man, and an honorable man, but not strong enough to be the partner that I need as this life Blooms into greatness. He showed me that I am worthy and that Love will find a way.
Jan, for being the strength through all the whirlwinds, my friend, cattle prod, the voice of reason and at times the emphatic DON"T BE STUPID!
Mick, for being Mick, 30 years of friendship and still the shelter when I need it.
T for coming back into my life. And adding a Hard Rock beat to the process. (Not to mention an ability to read people and cut to the chase that I sorely lack!)
Jerry, For being the best friend a girl could ask for, John, for being the Dad right now. Mom, for being mom and saying that Kentucky sounds like a grand Adventure!
And all my friends both near and far that walk this journey with me, Especially my baby Brother and my lil sis Serri.(Shee Kicks my butt regular!)
California, Oregon, and Texas will still have our grass fed beef and lamb, but so will Kentucky and Oklahoma!
We've elected to keep our local offerings small and personal in each locale and the ship is slowly but surely righting itself and moving in a positive direction.
After the new year the blog will focus on each locale and my team will guest post so that you can meet them all, I will be focusing on the Genetics, forages, management, and the challenges that come with having stock spread across the country, a recipe page, and farm photos section is in the works, and Yes I am still on the Primal Journey, logging 260 lbs gone and ready to show you the changes!  I love you all! Thank you! Have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or New Year, and Keep those Orders Coming!

Senin, 17 Desember 2012

Berhati-hatilah Jika Menggunakan Widget Statistik Traffic Blog (agar tidak disalahgunakan)

Ada banyak sekali web service yang menyediakan layanan pemantauan dan analisis traffic. Salah satu yang paling kita kenal adalah Google Analytics. Meskipun sangat terkenal, penggunaan Google Analytics bersifat stealth, hanya pemilik website/blog saja yang bisa melihat statistik traffic yang terekam. Beberapa blogger, termasuk saya dan mungkin juga sobat semua, memilih untuk menayangkan sebagian

Selasa, 04 Desember 2012

Learning Hiragana

Learning the two Japanese phonetic alphabets, hiragana and katakana, are key to learning basic Japanese. Each hiragana character represents a single vowel or consonant-vowel sound. In the chart below you can see all of the basic hiragana characters along with the closest sounding roman letters. The five vowel sounds, a (ah), i (ee), u (oo), e (eh), o (oh), are combined with the consonant sounds k, s, t, n, h, m, y, r, w to produce almost all the sounds represented by hiragana characters. The consonant-only n character appears at the end of words. These characters were all originally written with a brush, so writing the strokes of a hiragana character in the right order is important in getting the shape of the character correct.
Click on any of the characters in the table below to see how to write it correctly:
Hiragana Table
The characters above are the ones you should teach yourself to read and write. Looking over the chart above you might be tempted to think "Why don't they just use Roman letters?!?" but it actually helps your pronunciation to learn to associate the sounds of Japanese words with hiragana. Your brain already associates sequences of Roman letters with sounds in English so it's important to leave that behind to pronounce Japanese words correctly.
Some of the basic hiragana characters above are also written with modifiers that change the consonant sound slightly. For example, by adding two small vertical dashes or a small circle, the pronunciation of the hiragana for "ha" becomes "ba" or "pa". The chart below contains the complete list of possible combinations:
Basic Hiragana with ba-pa modifiers
When a ya, yu, or yo sound follows certain characters in Japanese, the sound is shortened and so instead of two separate characters, the sound is written as the combination of the first character and a small, subscripted version of the ya, yu, or yo sound that follows:
Basic Hiragana with ya-yu-yo modifiers
Once you've learned these characters, you're ready to start reading Japanese!

Last-Minute Google Affiliate Network Holiday Tips

As we’re nearly halfway through the holiday shopping season, online shoppers have come out in full force this year, with Black Friday online sales totalling $1B and Cyber Monday 2012 taking the crown as the biggest online shopping day ever, with nearly $2B in sales and 30% growth year over year. With a few weeks left in 2012, we wanted to pass along a few tips to help you make the most of your affiliate program and capture as many incremental holiday sales as possible.

Holiday Tips for Publishers

Holiday Tips for Advertisers

  • Be sure to tag and share your seasonal links for upcoming shopping days, including Green Monday (12/10), Christmas/Holiday (12/25), Boxing Day (12/26 - UK, Canada), Post holiday sales, January sale.
  • Review recommended publishers to find new publisher opportunities based on similar categories and revenue potential.
  • Check out our recently-launched reports which enable you to compare performance across different metrics and timeframes and see geography based click and conversion data.

It’s gearing up to be an exciting end to the holiday shopping season and we hope these tools and tips will help you take full advantage of your affiliate program from now into 2013!

Posted by:
J.J. Hirschle, Head of Google Affiliate Network

SCANDAL Live in Malaysia

Jumat, 30 November 2012

Google Luncurkan GooglePlus Followers Gadget untuk Blogger

Informasi ini cukup menggembirakan bagi para pengguna Blogger, terutama bagi sobat yang telah mengintegrasikan profil Blogger dengan profil Google+. Widget ini disebut "Google+ Followers Gadget" dan berfungsi menampilkan follower Blog (atau profil) lengkap dengan foto profil pengikut. Widget ini seperti gabungan dua widget yang sudah sangat kita kenal, Google Plus Add to Circle/Follow Widget dan

Sabtu, 24 November 2012

Memperbaiki Berbagai Problem Pada Widget "LinkWithin Related Posts"

Saya dulu pernah membahas mengenai cara memasang Widget/gadget LinkWithin Related Posts, salah satu asesoris blog yang cukup menjadi favorit karena kemudahan pemasangan dan akurasi relevansinya. Meskipun ada banyak widget sejenis, baik yang dibuat secara manual ataupun sudah dalam paket siap pakai, namun LinkWithin jauh lebih unggul, baik dalam relevansi, dalam hal kecepatan loading (

Rabu, 21 November 2012

My Dad Birthday

          Hello Guys!!! How's is it going.... ? anyway today  is my old man birthday and he's 46 years old now. emm2...yeah only 4 years to go that he will turn into warga emas:-) hahahaha.... don't mad at me dad just kidding:-) Well i'm sorry dad cos i not at by your side right now today on your birthday well im really3... ごめんなさい
          First of all i want to say Happy Birthday to Agong Gam(My Dad) and Sultan Johor. Well i think because Agong Gam(My Dad) birthday all johor resident will get their 1day vacation:-)
Well dad how are you over there? i hope your all right with mom...:-)

Well Dad Do you remember this picture? hahaha.... you look so childish at that time:-)
thank you for being my friend and my dad:-) love u dad. 

''The greatest gift I ever had came from God, and I call him Dad.''


Days before Thanksgiving, Online Shopping is in Full Swing

(Cross posted to the Google Retail Advertising Blog)

While retailers might still be carting out decorations and Black Friday deals have yet to hit shelves, the holiday shopping season is already in full swing. Searches for "holiday gift" on Google have already spiked 156% since the first of November, and searches for "Black Friday" are up 546%.

In the days leading up to the biggest shopping event of the year, we took a look at early trends in holiday shopping using Google Consumer Surveys and found that it’s shaping up to be the first Nonline holiday season. People are shopping earlier and shopping smarter, both online and in stores. Case in point, while 80% of shoppers plan to research their purchases online, 69% of apparel shoppers still plan to make their purchases in a store while 36% plan to purchase online.

Shopping earlier, shopping smarter
Although we're only halfway into November, many consumers have already purchased their holiday gifts - 14% of people who plan to shop for toys have already made purchases, 11% for apparel shoppers, and 6% for electronics shoppers. Most plan on completing their shopping primarily in December, but Thanksgiving weekend shopping remains strong. We found that 28% of people who plan to shop for electronics plan to make their purchases primarily during Thanksgiving weekend, 18% for toy shoppers, and 17% for apparel shoppers.

In addition to shopping earlier, people are using smartphones to be smarter about the purchases they make. We found that 80% of shoppers use their smartphone or tablet to shop before buyingonline or in a store. If you’re a retailer, most people that walk through your doors will already have an idea of what they’re looking for in mind.

Smart marketers are helping customers pre-shop items online before getting to the store. Macy’s is using search ads to drive people to their Black Friday sale preview whether they’re on a laptop or mobile device. Holiday card searches jump after Thanksgiving, and new ad formats are allowing Storkie Express to raise awareness of their Hidden Dimension app, a new tool that animates theirpaper holiday cards. Running the mobile app extension on search ads has boosted downloads for their app across screens.

Discounts and free shipping seal the deal
Consumers still see shipping costs as a barrier, and for some it can be a deal breaker. If the a site doesn’t offer free shipping:

  • 48% will look for it on another site with free shipping
  • 32% will visit a nearby store to buy the product
  • 20% will still purchase the item from the site
Most shoppers felt that they are seeing the same amount of holiday discounts and coupons as they did last year (70%). However 22% of shoppers feel that they’re seeing fewer deals for holiday sales and promotions - which opens the opportunity for retailers to reach consumers with special offers as they’re actively hunting for deals this week. This is particularly impactful for toy retailers, as 40% of shoppers always compare prices on toys before making a decision.

Shoppers go online to beat crowds
As more people cross-shop online and in stores this season, many view online shopping as an easier way to shop. Consumers described holiday shopping online as easy, great, and convenient, while they described holiday shopping in stores as crazy, hectic, stressful, and exciting.

However, having an easy-to-use mobile website is essential to keeping shoppers on your site. More than 46% feel frustrated when mobile sites are hard to navigate. And as we’ve seen from past research, mobile shoppers will quickly move on to another site if they didn’t find what they were looking for right away.

You can find these stats and more by viewing the full report on Google Consumer Surveys. Find more of our holiday shopping research here.

Posted by Jon Sadow, on behalf of the Google Consumer Surveys team

Senin, 19 November 2012

Searching for and sharing the best seasonal links

With the holiday season quickly approaching, the next few weeks are pivotal for driving sales through affiliate marketing. We’re excited to announce that we’ve made it even easier for publishers to quickly find and advertisers to easily share seasonal links through the Google Affiliate Network interface.

Finding seasonal links
If you're a publisher, you can now easily find seasonal links to promote -- just in time for the holiday rush. For example, click the link below to find available Black Friday links:

This link will take you to the Links tab in your publisher account and automatically filter the results for links tagged for Black Friday. Advertisers are tagging additional links this week, so keep checking back to find the most updated list of Black Friday promotional links.

Advertisers have the capability of sharing these seasonal links with you directly via email. We hope this new feature, along with the structured promotions features launched earlier this month, helps you more quickly and easily find great advertiser offers.

Tagging and sharing seasonal links
If you're an advertiser, you'll find that it's now really easy to tag links and share them with publishers.

To add seasonal tags to your links, Click the 'Links' tab, then 'Browse all links'. Find the links you want to tag and check the box to the left of each link. Next, select the ‘Tag’ button at the top of the page, choose any appropriate seasonal tags, and click 'Apply'.

It's easy to share your newly-tagged links with publishers. Click ‘Share’ at the top of the page to get a link you can share with your joined publishers. Then, share the link via email with any publishers in your program so that they can easily view the seasonal links you just tagged.

On behalf of the engineering team, we want to wish you a happy holiday season. If there’s anything more we can do to help, please let us know in our Product forum.

Posted by:
Ali Pasha, Product Manager

Jumat, 16 November 2012

Announcing the Notifications tab for publishers

Communication is a key component to Affiliate marketing, so it's no surprise that advertisers and publishers exchange a lot of email. With the peak shopping season coming up, it’s critical for publishers to stay informed of important advertiser program changes to make the most of their affiliate marketing efforts. To make it easier for publishers to keep track of important account notifications from within the Google Affiliate Network interface, we’ve launched a new Notifications system.

Types of notifications

If you're a publisher, starting today you’ll receive a notification whenever an advertiser makes a change to their account that impacts your relationship or commissions. For example, if an advertiser invites you to join their program, this invitation will appear in your notifications. You’ll also receive a notification when an advertiser makes a decision on your application to their program. Other examples of the notifications you’ll receive include Commission rate changes or updates to Advertiser Specific Terms.

From the Publisher Home, you’ll see a notification alert in the upper right corner of the interface that displays the number of pending messages. When you click on the alert, you can see more information along with a link to see all notifications.

When you click the Notifications tab, you'll see a basic summary and detailed view for each communication. You can search across notifications and advertisers so you can more easily review and act on affiliate-specific notifications while you’re working in your account.

This launch is the first of a series of enhancements to communications within the Google Affiliate Network interface. For a long time, we've listened to your feedback that adding a central communication hub could help increase efficiency and reduce the need to simply rely on your email inbox for important communications. Today's launch is the first step we're making towards this hub. Our vision is to move more communications into a central location in interface so you can better track and maintain your affiliate relationships and activities.

Send your feedback

We welcome your feedback. If you have any suggestions, let us know what you think by posting a comment here or in the Google Affiliate Network forum. Sign in to your account today to access the Notifications tab.

Posted by:
Joel Ingram, Software Engineer

Jumat, 09 November 2012

Nofollow-kan Comment Permalink Blogger Agar Tidak Diindeks Google

Hi, all. Let's talk about Blogger SEO again. :), and today let me talk about Blogger Comment Permalinks, how it affects your SEO, and how to resolve the SEO problem caused by them.


Dalam template blogger, ada satu tag yang digunakan sebagai generator dari permalink comment, sehingga masing-masing komentar blog sebenarnya memiliki permalink unik yang apabila di-klik akan

Kamis, 08 November 2012

Black Hole

What Is Black Hole

A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light can not get out.
The gravity is so strong beacause matter has been squeezed into a tiny space. This can
be happen when a star is daying. Beacause no light can get out, people can't see black holes. There are invisible. Space telescope with spesial tools can help find black holes. the special toos can see how star that are very close to black holes act differently that other stars.

How Big Are Black Holes?

Black holes can be big or small. Scientists think the smallest black holes are as small as just one atom. These black holes are very tiny but have the mass of a large mountain. Mass is the amount of matter, or "stuff," in an object. 
Another kind of black hole is called "stellar." Its mass can be up to 20 times more than the mass of the sun. There may be many, many stellar mass black holes in Earth's galaxy. Earth's galaxy is called the Milky Way. 

The largest black holes are called "supermassive." These black holes have masses that are more than 1 million suns together. Scientists have found proof that every large galaxy contains a supermassive black hole at its center. The supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy is called Sagittarius A. It has a mass equal to about 4 million suns and would fit inside a very large ball that could hold a few million Earths.

How do black hole form?

Scientists think the smallest black holes formed when the universe began. 

Stellar black holes are made when the center of a very big star falls in upon itself, or collapses. When this happens, it causes a supernova. A supernova is an exploding star that blasts part of the star into space. 

Scientists think supermassive black holes were made at the same time as the galaxy they are in.

Could a Black Hole Destroy Earth?

Black holes do not go around in space eating stars, moons and planets. Earth will not fall into a black hole because no black hole is close enough to the solar system for Earth to do that. Even if a black hole the same mass as the sun were to take the place of the sun, Earth still would not fall in. The black hole would have the same gravity as the sun. Earth and the other planets would orbit the black hole as they orbit the sun now. 

The sun will never turn into a black hole. The sun is not a big enough star to make a black hole.

Rabu, 07 November 2012

Google Pagerank Update November 2012

Tidak banyak yang bisa saya sampaikan selain hanya untuk menginformasikan bahwa hari ini, 08 November 2012, Google kembali melakukan update PageRank (toolbar), artinya setiap halaman web/blog, baik homepage maupun halaman-halaman lainnya yang sudah hadir di dunia internet ini mengalami update atau pembaruan PageRank.

Saya pernah menyinggung ini di salah satu status Facebook saya sekitar 9

Introducing new reporting enhancements

We made a few updates to our reports over the past few weeks which include features useful for both advertisers and publishers. These new reports include Order-level payment reports for publishers, Multi-metric reports for comparing performance across different metrics and timeframes, and Geography reports to help both advertisers and publishers understand more about where user clicks and conversions are coming from.

Order-level payment reports

With our new Order-level payment reports, publishers can easily see which conversions their accounts have received payment for. Order-level payment reports contain a comprehensive listing of conversions that show the month in which conversions were paid out.

Order level payments

When you view the report, you'll first see order-level payment information for your advertiser relationships from the month when you received payment. The report pulls this information based on the timeframe you specify, so you can access order-level payments from the past.

Multi-metric graph reports

Multi-metric graphs allow you to quickly see performance across two separate axes. Set the graphs to review metrics based on the previous week or previous year’s performance for a specified time frame to identify changes in performance. You can also review against specific metrics, such as Publisher fees, clicks, conversions, and more.

Geography reports

With Geography reports, you can gain insights into where user performance originates from, in most cases down to the state or province level. See performance volume by geographic region so you can optimize and refine your affiliate program. You can review geographic locations associated with clicks, actions, transactions, sales, and more.

To get started, select your desired metrics and time frame above the world map. All metrics will populate in the table below.

If you have feedback or suggestions on these new reporting features, let us know what you think by submitting feedback in the interface, or through our Product forum.

Posted by:
Kurt Spoerer, Product Manager

Minggu, 04 November 2012

Cara Memasang Facebook Recommendation Bar di Blogger

Akhir 2011 lalu Facebook mengumumkan akan menambahkan fitur baru yaitu "Facebook Recommendation Bar". Akhir Juni 2012 lalu, fitur ini kemudian dirilis dalam bentuk beta. Saya sudah pernah mencobanya, namun karena terlalu berat, dan terlalu banyak fitur, maka saya kembali melepaskannya. Beberapa waktu kemudian, fitur seperti "Add to Timeline" yang juga muncul di recommendation bar tersebut

Kamis, 01 November 2012

Introducing structured promotional data for links

It’s no secret that special promotions and coupons are integral to the affiliate channel. If you're a publisher with a shopping-focused website, you know how important it is to present accurate, comprehensive promotions and coupons to your visitors.

Today, we're happy to announce a more structured way to get links with offers, promotion codes, and discounts so you can more easily automate and display the latest advertiser promotions. You now have the ability to search and filter by special offers, promotion codes, and discounts – including Link templates and Publisher-specific links. Read on to learn more about how you can now access structured promotion data.

Accessing links with structured promotional data

When you search the interface, you can perform queries that weren't previously possible. For example, try searching search for an Apparel link with Free shipping that has a Promotion code where the discount is greater than 25 percent off. This could be helpful if you have a website where you only want to promote coupons with a significant discount.

We’ve also updated the recommendation engine to help you find more relevant promotional links. If you're a shopping-focused publisher, you'll see that links with special offers, promotion codes, or discounts are more visible.

Links API

Structured link data is also available through the Google Affiliate Network API, so you can programmatically access and display offers, promotion codes, and discounts to your website in real time.

Link subscriptions

You can also get links with special offers, promotion codes, and discounts via Link subscriptions. To access structured link data through Link subscriptions, sign in to your publisher account and upgrade to Link subscriptions Version 2.

Send us your feedback

As always, your feedback is very important. You can click on “Details inaccurate?” in the interface to provide feedback at the link level to help us quickly resolve any potential issues.

If you have feedback or suggestions, let us know what you think by posting a comment here or in the Google Affiliate Network forum.

We’ve worked hard to make these changes to help you achieve greater success this holiday season. Sign in to your account today to access these new link features!

Posted by:
Ali Pasha, Product Manager

Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

Holiday optimization tips for publishers

With the holidays quickly approaching, advertisers are trying to reach more customers. Now is the time to make the most of Google Affiliate Network – use the below insights and tips from our recent interface updates and optimization checklist to boost your performance this holiday season.

Update your publisher profile
Discover and apply to more advertiser programs
Get links and keep them fresh
  • Review Recommended links to see Staff picks and Exclusives.
  • Use automated services like Link subscriptions, Product subscriptions, and the Links API to easily keep links, special offers, promotions and products updated.
  • Get banner and dynamic links. The larger ad sizes for banner and dynamic links are more visual and easier for users to read and interact with.
  • If your site has an active user base and you’re driving a lot of conversions for an advertiser, ask them to create a co-branded landing page to help increase conversion.
Optimize your website
  • Make sure your website is updated for peak promotional seasons, and set aside inventory for Google Affiliate Network ads.
Track performance and take action on reporting insights
  • Use Creative reports to review link performance and find the top-performing creatives and links for your site.
  • Review your analytics to determine your most relevant content and top performing links.
  • Identify top-selling products through Product-related reports, then optimize for these products.
  • Order-level payment reports show you the list of orders that have been paid out in any given month.
Sign in to your publisher account today and take advantage of these optimization features. Cheers to a successful and productive holiday season!

Posted by:
Emily Harris, Product Marketing Manager

Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012

Introducing the Manage Inquiries tab for advertisers

Many savvy shoppers shop online through loyalty and reward programs, since their purchases can lead to incentives like miles, points, or other reward-based currencies (typically referred to as a passback).

As an advertiser, you know how important it is to make sure customers are satisfied with their purchases. If they shop through loyalty programs, you also know how it’s important that they receive their passback. To that end, you may sometimes be contacted by loyalty publishers' customer service teams asking to confirm orders for customers who may not have received their passback. To ease this process, we've released the new Manage Inquiries tab to streamline the order lookup and resolution process so you can quickly review and take action on inquiries.

The Manage Inquiries tab shows all pending order inquiries, and publishers also have the option to provide notes to help you research and take action on the inquiry. You’ll also receive a weekly notification email if a publisher has added an inquiry to your account.

Reviewing inquiries
You can start reviewing inquiries by taking the following steps:
  1. Click on the Orders tab, then the Manage Inquiries sub-tab.
  2. Review the list of Pending inquiries.
  3. Review your own reporting to decide whether or not the inquiry is already associated with a valid order.
  4. Click on the Action drop-down and take the appropriate action on the inquiry. You can select the order and approve it as-is, or edit the order amount and approve, or decline the inquiry. You can also use the “select all” function to take action on multiple inquiries at once.
If you have a large number of inquiries, you can save time by exporting them to .csv, specifying the actions in the file and uploading it to the interface.

Learn more about managing pending order inquiries in the Help Center.

Posted by:

Gabe Black, Software Engineer
Mark St. John, Software Engineer

Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

Quickly create links with our new Chrome extension for publishers

If you're an affiliate publisher, you might be looking for the most efficient ways to promote great products. With this in mind, we’re happy to announce the Google Affiliate Network Link Builder, a new Chrome extension that makes creating product links fast and easy.

Publishers have long been able to create links by signing into Google Affiliate Network and creating a Publisher-specific link (PSL). Now, the Google Affiliate Network Link Builder enables publishers to create affiliate ads that link directly to unique product pages -- right from an advertiser’s website.

If a great product catches your eye while browsing, why shouldn't a PSL be anything more than a click away? With our new Chrome extension, it isn’t. The extension displays a button in the corner of your browser window. If the advertiser's program supports deep linking, you can easily create a PSL for any product you’re viewing by clicking the button.

Get started

To start using the Link Builder, just follow these steps:
  1. Sign in to Chrome with your Google Affiliate Network publisher login and password. Here’s a step-by-step process for signing in to Chrome.
  2. Visit the Chrome Web Store and download the Google Affiliate Network Link Builder. This will add the icon to your browser.
  3. Next, visit an advertiser website where you have an existing affiliate relationship and search for a product.
  4. Found a cool product? Use the extension by clicking on the icon and a pop-up window will prompt you to create a PSL with one click.
  5. And that’s it! Copy the PSL, and you can begin promoting it right away.

How it works

The extension works entirely by making calls to Google Affiliate Network’s public API, and the only requirement is that you be signed in to Chrome with your publisher account. Once loaded, the extension downloads all your advertiser relationships into memory and then recognizes when you have an affiliate relationship with a website you’re visiting. The extension's open source code is available for all to see, as an example of how to use Google Affiliate Network's public APIs.

We encourage our users to study and use the code to support their creative endeavors. If you have questions or feedback, please let us know in our public support forum.

Posted by:
Ben Collins-Sussman, Engineering Manager

Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012

7 Tips Efektif Untuk Tetap Fokus Saat Menulis Artikel Blog

Blogging, bagaimanapun, meski hanya sebagai hobi ataupun profesi yang ditekuni dengan serius, membutuhkan fokus tinggi untuk memastikan berbagai hal seperti misalnya kualitas konten, traffic, dan bahkan  upaya meningkatkan pendapatan. Akan tetapi, dalam perjalanan memastikan semua pekerjaan tersebut berjalan lancar, ada saja "halangan" yang ditemui, dan kebanyakan adalah konteks sosialisasi

Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

Join our holiday season advertiser webinar

Believe it or not, the holiday season is almost here. If you’re interested in making the most of Holiday 2012 for your affiliate program, join our free webinar hosted by Google Affiliate Network experts to help you plan and strategize for the busiest shopping season of the year.

We’ll be hosting this webinar three times over the next few weeks:

Session 1: Thursday, October 18th at 9:30 AM PT / 11:30 AM CT / 12:30 PM ET Join

Session 2: Wednesday, October 31st at 11:00 AM PT / 1:00 PM CT / 2:00 PM ET Join

Session 3: Thursday, November 8th at 12:00 PM PT / 2:00 PM CT / 3:00 PM ET Join

Our holiday season advertiser webinar is designed to arm you with the tools you need to get the most out of your affiliate spend for the holidays and navigate the season successfully. Come and learn tips and tricks on how to optimize your program for continued success.

Posted by:

Josh Pyle, Associate Product Marketing Manager

Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

Update! Or A new Chapter Begins!

The last few weeks have been an absolute Whirlwind of Change! Moved the Majority of my California Cattle to Tulare County, Sheep Flock to the Central Valley, Took a Job that has me Flying all over doing what  I love! Talking Ag! The position will have me splitting my time between Sunny California and the Midwest.
 I will be in Southern Cal the Second week of every month and am maintaining herds and flocks here to service my locals! Your loyalty has been Amazing and I will keep you supplied with Grass Finished Beef and lamb as well as Pastured Pork. I am Having to discontinue Farmers Markets However, With the exception Of The Murrieta Certified Farmers Market One weekend a Month. I have a good crew Hired to keep things running smoothly. Thank you for your continued support and stay tuned to keep up with my new adventures! There is a lot for you to learn and this old Ag-Nerd is looking forward to showing you the what, where, when, and how of what is important to YOU from the world of Ag!

Tambahkan Widget AddThis Sharing Buttons Terbaru di Blogmu!

Sobat mungkin sudah tahu dan menggunakan AddThis Sharing Buttons yang cukup terkenal ini. Google Pagerank-nya saja 10, dan Alexa Ranknya sekitar 158 (apa hubungannya ya?). AddThis Social Sharing buttons (begitu nama lengkapnya :)) adalah widget penting bagi para blogger dan webmaster. Alat ini tidak saja menyediakan berbagai macam sharing buttons milik berbagai macam social media, tapi juga

Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

Beauty Encounter launches an affiliate program to achieve branding and direct response goals

Over the past few years, Google Affiliate Network has helped advertisers and publishers grow their businesses with the right mix of technology, service, and data insights. We’re pleased to share these stories with you on our blog.

Beauty Encounter is a specialty retailer who has earned a reputation as a popular shopping destination for affordable beauty and fragrance products. Founded in 1999 and based in Fountain Valley, CA, they evolved from a family-run wholesaler to an online fragrance retailer. As their online business developed, they wanted to increase their brand exposure and reach new customers while trimming their cost per customer acquisition. They launched an affiliate program in June 2011 to achieve these goals.

For Chief Technology Officer Thu Truong and her team, affiliate marketing ended up playing a vital role in the growth of their e-commerce efforts. Not only have they acquired new customers at a desirable cost, but they have also expanded their online presence. Truong states that their affiliate program has “given us access to productive affiliates, which is like having tens to hundreds to thousands of marketers spread knowledge of our brand name to online shoppers who normally would not know about Beauty Encounter and what we have to offer.” Throughout the first months of launch, the Beauty Encounter team established a solid set of publishers to achieve their branding and direct response goals.

In addition to analyzing performance and recruiting new publishers, Beauty Encounter launched an incentive program to motivate their top publishers. Truong explains, “We offered higher commission rates and exclusive offers to affiliates with a strong track record of driving sales for us. The incentive program motivated our top publishers to increase exposure of our brand and promotions, and really allowed these partnerships to flourish.” In the end, the results spoke for themselves. After just five months, Beauty Encounter saw their affiliate conversion rate increase by over 7%, ultimately helping to boost their total online sales by 7% as well.

To learn more about Ms. Truong and the Beauty Encounter affiliate program, read the full case study.

Posted by Will Heidrich, Account Manager

Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

Cara Masukkan Banyak Gambar Dalam Entri Blog Dengan Mudah

Apabila menghasilkan sesebuah entri bagi blog, antara perkara yang hendak dimasukkan adalah gambar. Mungkin mudah untuk masukkan gambar sekeping dua dalam entri blog. Bagaimana pula untuk memasukkan berpuluh-puluh gambar (seperti gambar pergi melancong, perkahwinan, dsb) dalam satu entri blog dengan cara yang mudah.?

Contoh banyak gambar yang dimasukkan sebuah entri seperti di entri ini. Suasana terminal bas di China

Berikut adalah tutorial untuk memasukkan banyak gambar dalam blog sekaligus.

1. Dari dashboard anda, klik pada 'create new post'

2. Pada paparan yang muncul, pilih mode 'compose' kemudian klik pada ikon 'gambar'.

3. Klik pada 'Choose files'

4.Dari paparan yang muncul, pilih seberapa banyak gambar yang anda ingin masukkan, kemudian tekan 'open'

5. Proses upload bermula.

6. Apabila selesai, tekan 'add selected'.
Pastikan sebelum anda tekan 'add selected' semua gambar telah dipilih.

7. Selesai, itu sahaja. Mudah bukan..:)

Berapa maksimum gambar yang boleh diletakkan.?

-Admin sendiri tidak pasti. Kerana admin pernah upload sehingga 40keping, masih lagi ok.:).
Tapi pastinya boleh upload banyak sekaligus.:)

Cara Menampilkan Widget Hanya di Homepage/Halaman Posting

Ketika melakukan setting desain blog, terkadang kita terkendala dengan banyaknya widget yang ditampilkan, sehingga widget tampak berdesakan dan halaman menjadi begitu panjang. Dalam kasus lain lagi, terkadang kita hanya ingin widget tertentu hanya muncul di halaman spesifik, baik homepage, halaman statis, maupun halaman posting saja. Dulu saya pernah berbicara mengenai bagaimana menyembunyikan

Sabtu, 22 September 2012

If the polar ice caps melted, how much would the oceans rise?

You may have heard about global warming. It seems that in the last 100 years the earth's temperature has increased about half a degree Celsius. This may not sound like much, but even half a degree can have an effect on our planet. According to the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) the sea level has risen 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm) in the last 100 years (see How do they measure sea level?).
This higher temperature may be causing some floating icebergs to melt, but this will not make the oceans rise. Icebergs are large floating chunks of ice. In order to float, the iceberg displaces a volume of water that has a weight equal to that of the iceberg.Submarines use this principle to rise and sink in the water by changing their weight.
But the rising temperature and icebergs could play a small role in the rising ocean level. Icebergs are chunks of frozen glaciers that break off from landmasses and fall into the ocean. The rising temperature may be causing more icebergs to form by weakening the glaciers, causing more cracks and making ice mo­re likely to break off. As soon as the ice falls into the ocean, the ocean rises a little.

If the rising temperature affects glaciers and icebergs, could the polar ice caps be in danger of melting and causing the oceans to rise? This could happen, but no one knows when it might happen.
The main ice covered landmass is Antarctica at the South Pole, with about 90 percent of the world's ice (and 70 percent of its fresh water). Antarctica is covered with ice an average of 2,133 meters (7,000 feet) thick. If all of the Antarctic ice melted, sea levels around the world would rise about 61 meters (200 feet). But the average temperature in Antarctica is -37°C, so the ice there is in no danger of melting. In fact in most parts of the continent it never gets above freezing.
At the other end of the world, the North Pole, the ice is not nearly as thick as at the South Pole. The ice floats on the Arctic Ocean. If it melted sea levels would not be affecte­d.
There is a significant amount of ice covering Greenland, which would add another 7 meters (20 feet) to the oceans if it melted. Because Greenland is closer to the equator than Antarctica, the temperatures there are higher, so the ice is more likely to melt.
But there might be a less dramatic reason than polar ice melting for the higher ocean level -- the higher temperature of the water. Water is most dense at 4 degrees Celsius. Above and below this temperature, the density of water decreases (the same weight of water occupies a bigger space). So as the overall temperature of the water increases it naturally expands a little bit making the oceans rise.
In 1995 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued a report which contained various projections of the sea level change by the year 2100. They estimate that the sea will rise 50 centimeters (20 inches) with the lowest estimates at 15 centimeters (6 inches) and the highest at 95 centimeters (37 inches). The rise will come from thermal expansion of the ocean and from melting glaciers and ice sheets. Twenty inches is no small amount -- it could have a big effect on coastal cities, especially during storms.

Kamis, 20 September 2012

When It's More Than Acne

All cases of acne have their roots in hormone production, but some acne is a symptom of an underlying hormonal condition that can cause far more than facial blemishes. If troublesome blemishes are plaguing you long after your teen years are over, it’s possible that they’re telling you to look beyond your skin for the problem.
“Acne is caused by an excess of oil production, which in turn is caused by the action of testosterone,” says Geoffrey Redmond, MD, a New York endocrinologist specializing in female hormone problems. “The oil glands are the most testosterone-sensitive tissue in the human body.”
Typical adolescent acne starts when testosterone levels start to increase during puberty (in both boys and girls), but certain diseases and conditions can also send testosterone and estrogen levels up. These are particularly common in girls and women, and the most common is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).


The most common female endocrine disorder, PCOS affects between 5%-10% of all women. It involves multiple organ systems, and although it’s not fully understood, doctors believe that it is caused by insensitivity to the hormone insulin. In addition to irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation, weight gain, and thinning hair, one of the most notable symptoms of PCOS is acne.  
“Any female patient who presents to me with either persistent acne -- they had it in their teens and it’s continued past the age of 25 -- or acne starting after age 25, I’ll evaluate for PCOS,” says Bethanee Schlosser, MD, assistant professor and director of the women’s skin health program in the department of dermatology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine.
PCOS-related acne tends to flare in areas that are usually considered “hormonally sensitive," especially the lower third of the face. This includes:
  • Cheeks
  • Jawline
  • Chin
  • Upper neck, especially at the angles of the jaw
“Patients with PCOS tend to get acne that involves more tender knots under the skin, rather than fine surface bumps, and will sometimes report that lesions in that area tend to flare before their menstrual period,” says Schlosser. “They take time to go away.”
So if you tend to get acne in the places Schlosser describes and have noticed irregular periods, it’s a good idea to ask your dermatologist to refer you for PCOS testing.


Many women with PCOS also have diabetes, which isn’t surprising, given that both conditions appear to be related to how the body reacts to insulin. Could that mean that diabetes causes acne, or that your acne might be a symptom of diabetes?
If you look online, you may see a lot of speculation about diabetes causing acne, but Redmond says that’s false. “Acne is not a symptom of diabetes. Obviously, people with diabetes can develop acne, but the presence of acne by itself does not indicate a need to test for diabetes.”

Other Conditions

There are some other hormonal disorders whose symptoms can include acne, but these are much more unusual. For example, people affected by a group of inherited disorders known collectively as congenital adrenal hyperplasia often produce either too much or too little of certain sex hormones, including testosterone. “People with these disorders have a problem with the adrenal glands, which produce and metabolize hormones,” explains Schlosser.

Treating Hormonal Acne

Most women who have acne related to a hormonal condition like PCOS have probably found that more “standard” topical acne therapies, such as retinoid gels and creams, don’t meet their needs. “These people do best with hormonal therapy,” says Schlosser.
There are two primary options for hormonal management of acne:
  • Birth control pills (only certain formulations)
  • Spironolactone, a diuretic which also blocks the binding of androgen receptors, blunting the hormonal fluctuations that cause acne
Schlosser usually starts patients with acne related to a hormonal condition like PCOS on an oral contraceptive pill containing both estrogen and progesterone; Estrostep, Ortho Tri-Cyclen, and Yaz are the three brands approved by the FDA for acne treatment.
It’s not an overnight process. “You have to give this approach at least three months of use before you can judge its impact,” she says. “That’s the point at which studies found a notable difference between placebos and oral contraceptives. Many patients saw further improvement around the six-month mark.”
If oral contraceptives are not working, or only giving partial relief from your acne, your dermatologist may recommend spironolactone. It may also be the first treatment of choice for hormone-related acne if you smoke or have other risk factors that make hormonal contraceptives undesirable. “Many of my patients get significant added improvement with this drug,” says Schlosser. 
Redmond usually starts his patients on 100 to 200 mg of spironolactone per day. “Most people tolerate it fairly well. Since it is a diuretic [meaning that it causes you to urinate more often], you’ll need to keep up your water intake, but as long as you do that, you shouldn’t have too many problems.”
“For women, spironolactone works in a very high percentage of cases,” Redmond says. “For men, it’s not optimal because it blocks testosterone.”
So how long will you need to take these medications? That’s hard to say. “Eventually, the tendency to have acne goes away for most people, but it’s hard to know when,” says Redmond. “The medications are often necessary for a few years. It’s mostly luck in how long it persists.”