Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

Holiday optimization tips for publishers

With the holidays quickly approaching, advertisers are trying to reach more customers. Now is the time to make the most of Google Affiliate Network – use the below insights and tips from our recent interface updates and optimization checklist to boost your performance this holiday season.

Update your publisher profile
Discover and apply to more advertiser programs
Get links and keep them fresh
  • Review Recommended links to see Staff picks and Exclusives.
  • Use automated services like Link subscriptions, Product subscriptions, and the Links API to easily keep links, special offers, promotions and products updated.
  • Get banner and dynamic links. The larger ad sizes for banner and dynamic links are more visual and easier for users to read and interact with.
  • If your site has an active user base and you’re driving a lot of conversions for an advertiser, ask them to create a co-branded landing page to help increase conversion.
Optimize your website
  • Make sure your website is updated for peak promotional seasons, and set aside inventory for Google Affiliate Network ads.
Track performance and take action on reporting insights
  • Use Creative reports to review link performance and find the top-performing creatives and links for your site.
  • Review your analytics to determine your most relevant content and top performing links.
  • Identify top-selling products through Product-related reports, then optimize for these products.
  • Order-level payment reports show you the list of orders that have been paid out in any given month.
Sign in to your publisher account today and take advantage of these optimization features. Cheers to a successful and productive holiday season!

Posted by:
Emily Harris, Product Marketing Manager

Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012

Introducing the Manage Inquiries tab for advertisers

Many savvy shoppers shop online through loyalty and reward programs, since their purchases can lead to incentives like miles, points, or other reward-based currencies (typically referred to as a passback).

As an advertiser, you know how important it is to make sure customers are satisfied with their purchases. If they shop through loyalty programs, you also know how it’s important that they receive their passback. To that end, you may sometimes be contacted by loyalty publishers' customer service teams asking to confirm orders for customers who may not have received their passback. To ease this process, we've released the new Manage Inquiries tab to streamline the order lookup and resolution process so you can quickly review and take action on inquiries.

The Manage Inquiries tab shows all pending order inquiries, and publishers also have the option to provide notes to help you research and take action on the inquiry. You’ll also receive a weekly notification email if a publisher has added an inquiry to your account.

Reviewing inquiries
You can start reviewing inquiries by taking the following steps:
  1. Click on the Orders tab, then the Manage Inquiries sub-tab.
  2. Review the list of Pending inquiries.
  3. Review your own reporting to decide whether or not the inquiry is already associated with a valid order.
  4. Click on the Action drop-down and take the appropriate action on the inquiry. You can select the order and approve it as-is, or edit the order amount and approve, or decline the inquiry. You can also use the “select all” function to take action on multiple inquiries at once.
If you have a large number of inquiries, you can save time by exporting them to .csv, specifying the actions in the file and uploading it to the interface.

Learn more about managing pending order inquiries in the Help Center.

Posted by:

Gabe Black, Software Engineer
Mark St. John, Software Engineer

Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

Quickly create links with our new Chrome extension for publishers

If you're an affiliate publisher, you might be looking for the most efficient ways to promote great products. With this in mind, we’re happy to announce the Google Affiliate Network Link Builder, a new Chrome extension that makes creating product links fast and easy.

Publishers have long been able to create links by signing into Google Affiliate Network and creating a Publisher-specific link (PSL). Now, the Google Affiliate Network Link Builder enables publishers to create affiliate ads that link directly to unique product pages -- right from an advertiser’s website.

If a great product catches your eye while browsing, why shouldn't a PSL be anything more than a click away? With our new Chrome extension, it isn’t. The extension displays a button in the corner of your browser window. If the advertiser's program supports deep linking, you can easily create a PSL for any product you’re viewing by clicking the button.

Get started

To start using the Link Builder, just follow these steps:
  1. Sign in to Chrome with your Google Affiliate Network publisher login and password. Here’s a step-by-step process for signing in to Chrome.
  2. Visit the Chrome Web Store and download the Google Affiliate Network Link Builder. This will add the icon to your browser.
  3. Next, visit an advertiser website where you have an existing affiliate relationship and search for a product.
  4. Found a cool product? Use the extension by clicking on the icon and a pop-up window will prompt you to create a PSL with one click.
  5. And that’s it! Copy the PSL, and you can begin promoting it right away.

How it works

The extension works entirely by making calls to Google Affiliate Network’s public API, and the only requirement is that you be signed in to Chrome with your publisher account. Once loaded, the extension downloads all your advertiser relationships into memory and then recognizes when you have an affiliate relationship with a website you’re visiting. The extension's open source code is available for all to see, as an example of how to use Google Affiliate Network's public APIs.

We encourage our users to study and use the code to support their creative endeavors. If you have questions or feedback, please let us know in our public support forum.

Posted by:
Ben Collins-Sussman, Engineering Manager

Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012

7 Tips Efektif Untuk Tetap Fokus Saat Menulis Artikel Blog

Blogging, bagaimanapun, meski hanya sebagai hobi ataupun profesi yang ditekuni dengan serius, membutuhkan fokus tinggi untuk memastikan berbagai hal seperti misalnya kualitas konten, traffic, dan bahkan  upaya meningkatkan pendapatan. Akan tetapi, dalam perjalanan memastikan semua pekerjaan tersebut berjalan lancar, ada saja "halangan" yang ditemui, dan kebanyakan adalah konteks sosialisasi

Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

Join our holiday season advertiser webinar

Believe it or not, the holiday season is almost here. If you’re interested in making the most of Holiday 2012 for your affiliate program, join our free webinar hosted by Google Affiliate Network experts to help you plan and strategize for the busiest shopping season of the year.

We’ll be hosting this webinar three times over the next few weeks:

Session 1: Thursday, October 18th at 9:30 AM PT / 11:30 AM CT / 12:30 PM ET Join

Session 2: Wednesday, October 31st at 11:00 AM PT / 1:00 PM CT / 2:00 PM ET Join

Session 3: Thursday, November 8th at 12:00 PM PT / 2:00 PM CT / 3:00 PM ET Join

Our holiday season advertiser webinar is designed to arm you with the tools you need to get the most out of your affiliate spend for the holidays and navigate the season successfully. Come and learn tips and tricks on how to optimize your program for continued success.

Posted by:

Josh Pyle, Associate Product Marketing Manager

Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

Update! Or A new Chapter Begins!

The last few weeks have been an absolute Whirlwind of Change! Moved the Majority of my California Cattle to Tulare County, Sheep Flock to the Central Valley, Took a Job that has me Flying all over doing what  I love! Talking Ag! The position will have me splitting my time between Sunny California and the Midwest.
 I will be in Southern Cal the Second week of every month and am maintaining herds and flocks here to service my locals! Your loyalty has been Amazing and I will keep you supplied with Grass Finished Beef and lamb as well as Pastured Pork. I am Having to discontinue Farmers Markets However, With the exception Of The Murrieta Certified Farmers Market One weekend a Month. I have a good crew Hired to keep things running smoothly. Thank you for your continued support and stay tuned to keep up with my new adventures! There is a lot for you to learn and this old Ag-Nerd is looking forward to showing you the what, where, when, and how of what is important to YOU from the world of Ag!

Tambahkan Widget AddThis Sharing Buttons Terbaru di Blogmu!

Sobat mungkin sudah tahu dan menggunakan AddThis Sharing Buttons yang cukup terkenal ini. Google Pagerank-nya saja 10, dan Alexa Ranknya sekitar 158 (apa hubungannya ya?). AddThis Social Sharing buttons (begitu nama lengkapnya :)) adalah widget penting bagi para blogger dan webmaster. Alat ini tidak saja menyediakan berbagai macam sharing buttons milik berbagai macam social media, tapi juga

Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

Beauty Encounter launches an affiliate program to achieve branding and direct response goals

Over the past few years, Google Affiliate Network has helped advertisers and publishers grow their businesses with the right mix of technology, service, and data insights. We’re pleased to share these stories with you on our blog.

Beauty Encounter is a specialty retailer who has earned a reputation as a popular shopping destination for affordable beauty and fragrance products. Founded in 1999 and based in Fountain Valley, CA, they evolved from a family-run wholesaler to an online fragrance retailer. As their online business developed, they wanted to increase their brand exposure and reach new customers while trimming their cost per customer acquisition. They launched an affiliate program in June 2011 to achieve these goals.

For Chief Technology Officer Thu Truong and her team, affiliate marketing ended up playing a vital role in the growth of their e-commerce efforts. Not only have they acquired new customers at a desirable cost, but they have also expanded their online presence. Truong states that their affiliate program has “given us access to productive affiliates, which is like having tens to hundreds to thousands of marketers spread knowledge of our brand name to online shoppers who normally would not know about Beauty Encounter and what we have to offer.” Throughout the first months of launch, the Beauty Encounter team established a solid set of publishers to achieve their branding and direct response goals.

In addition to analyzing performance and recruiting new publishers, Beauty Encounter launched an incentive program to motivate their top publishers. Truong explains, “We offered higher commission rates and exclusive offers to affiliates with a strong track record of driving sales for us. The incentive program motivated our top publishers to increase exposure of our brand and promotions, and really allowed these partnerships to flourish.” In the end, the results spoke for themselves. After just five months, Beauty Encounter saw their affiliate conversion rate increase by over 7%, ultimately helping to boost their total online sales by 7% as well.

To learn more about Ms. Truong and the Beauty Encounter affiliate program, read the full case study.

Posted by Will Heidrich, Account Manager

Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

Cara Masukkan Banyak Gambar Dalam Entri Blog Dengan Mudah

Apabila menghasilkan sesebuah entri bagi blog, antara perkara yang hendak dimasukkan adalah gambar. Mungkin mudah untuk masukkan gambar sekeping dua dalam entri blog. Bagaimana pula untuk memasukkan berpuluh-puluh gambar (seperti gambar pergi melancong, perkahwinan, dsb) dalam satu entri blog dengan cara yang mudah.?

Contoh banyak gambar yang dimasukkan sebuah entri seperti di entri ini. Suasana terminal bas di China

Berikut adalah tutorial untuk memasukkan banyak gambar dalam blog sekaligus.

1. Dari dashboard anda, klik pada 'create new post'

2. Pada paparan yang muncul, pilih mode 'compose' kemudian klik pada ikon 'gambar'.

3. Klik pada 'Choose files'

4.Dari paparan yang muncul, pilih seberapa banyak gambar yang anda ingin masukkan, kemudian tekan 'open'

5. Proses upload bermula.

6. Apabila selesai, tekan 'add selected'.
Pastikan sebelum anda tekan 'add selected' semua gambar telah dipilih.

7. Selesai, itu sahaja. Mudah bukan..:)

Berapa maksimum gambar yang boleh diletakkan.?

-Admin sendiri tidak pasti. Kerana admin pernah upload sehingga 40keping, masih lagi ok.:).
Tapi pastinya boleh upload banyak sekaligus.:)

Cara Menampilkan Widget Hanya di Homepage/Halaman Posting

Ketika melakukan setting desain blog, terkadang kita terkendala dengan banyaknya widget yang ditampilkan, sehingga widget tampak berdesakan dan halaman menjadi begitu panjang. Dalam kasus lain lagi, terkadang kita hanya ingin widget tertentu hanya muncul di halaman spesifik, baik homepage, halaman statis, maupun halaman posting saja. Dulu saya pernah berbicara mengenai bagaimana menyembunyikan