Senin, 26 September 2011

What I want to see.

I want to see consumers seeking out educational avenues to find out where their food comes from, how it is produced, and why there are different protocols for each specific growing practice (management type). I want them not to blindly accept that Organic is Best, or Grass fed is the same thing as Grass Fed and Finished. I want them to understand that the vast majority of farmers in America are multi-generational farmers on family run farms and ranches and that the average cattle herd is 40 head. I want people to Care enough to take the time to Know who produces their food. To actually follow a seed from planting to harvest, to Watch A lamb or steer "From Conception To Consumption"(tm), To Understand why some things cost more than others, and why some that do should not. I want them to go to the County Fair and visit the exhibits, I want to see support for Youth in Agriculture, The average age of the American Farmer and Rancher Today is 57, If our youth are not involved, encouraged and Appreciated they are no going to go back to the farm. When you see that 5 year old with his first Turkey in the show pen, I want you to smile, I also want you to bid on that kid's bird and help him get to college! Or when that FFA kid shows that lamb, pig, or steer they raised, ask them what they fed, how they finished, what did they do to get ready for the fair? Take time my friends, learn about your food and those that have made it their life's work to put it on your table.

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